chapter 87

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There is no level classification in the alliance's public service system, but according to the core status, the 9th National Security Bureau is responsible for supervision and handling of major cases. The Space Agency is the development direction where 80% of the resources of the entire alliance are allocated. Both sides are higher than other organizations, and they are equally ranked in terms of status. .

The decision to handle Fu Luoyin was issued by the Space Administration, and the Ninth National Security Bureau passed the execution order and took Fu Luoyin into custody.

Fu Luoyin even knew many of the people who came over, and several veteran operatives were even the elders who watched him grow up in Jiu Chu.

"Deputy Director Fu, please come with us. The space agency accuses you of negligence and possible collaboration with the enemy. We will detain you in accordance with the procedures. Data damage occurred in the B4 plan. This is a major case."

Fu Luoyin was not too surprised. He asked very calmly: "Is General Fu Kai okay?"

Fu Kai mentioned this matter to him a few days ago. Although it happened suddenly, it was not a complete accident to him. People who are used to strong winds and waves are more calm and calm at this time.

The personnel of the Ninth Division said: "General Fu acted according to the regulations, and I am going to wrong you a little."

Fu Luoyin was surrounded by a large crowd. There was a soldier with a gun every three meters on both sides of the road, supervising everything.

The atmosphere was dark and oppressive, and people from all departments were silent. Only a few people opened their doors and watched all this, but did not dare to make any move. Facing the dark muzzle of the army's guns, some timid people were so frightened that they sat paralyzed. He sat on the chair and couldn't even speak a single word.

Xia Ran grabbed the doorframe, trembling all over. He stared at Fu Luoyin, but Fu Luoyin didn't look at him.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the silent, wide corridor. The sounds of tight and chaotic footsteps were mixed with the sound of obstruction: "You can't come in! Go back! If you don't stop, we will treat it as obstructing official business." , fired!"

The moment the person at the end of the corridor appeared in everyone's sight, Fu Luoyin's calm face showed a trace of fluctuation, and his eyes were also filled with surprise.

He said softly: "Lin..."

Lin Shuicheng walked towards him quickly, his breathing a little unsteady. He was followed by several soldiers with guns and ammunition, trying to stop him. Seeing that Lin Shuicheng was about to rush into the escort center, the leader had to fire a warning shot——

There was a loud "boom"!

Several people in the office next to him were so frightened that they screamed, and their eardrums were so painful that even Fu Luoyin couldn't help but feel shocked!

He lowered his voice and yelled: "What are you doing here? Leave quickly!"

In the extremely oppressive, death-like silence, Lin Shuicheng's footsteps did not pause at all. He stood in front of Fu Luoyin, looked at him calmly, then looked around and said, "I am Yang Zhiwei's graduate student. I participated in the early research and development plan of the quantum security wall; in the middle of this year, I cracked the RANDOM organization's fraud method at the Star University report meeting; in early November, I was a witness to the murder of Luo Song. At the same time, I am also a B4 of the Fu family One of the participants in the plan.”

"The organization is doing things according to the procedures, and I won't stop it. I came to Deputy Director Fu to ask for an authorization, and asked him to authorize me in the name of the CEO and Chairman of Fu's Military Technology to perform information security maintenance and restore B4's damaged data. "Lin Shuicheng's eyes were fixed.

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