chapter 113 extra (2)

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After the half-day holiday, it was evening self-study, and all the students returned to the classroom one after another.

Lin Shuicheng's score was slowly being noticed by people - most people were like Fu Luoyin at first and didn't pay much attention to that score after seeing it, and even felt that the score was too ordinary for the top class - 600 points, Even the final elimination is not a round.

However, when more people reacted, the class immediately exploded: everyone remembered that Lin Shuicheng did not come to the first course for reference! Lin Shuicheng got full marks in all subjects except Chinese, which was not tested!

Is this still a fucking human?

More gossip began to circulate in the class.

Lin Shuicheng himself was sitting in his seat writing the topic, as if he was not listening to what was going on outside the window.

He is a very strange person. He looks easy-going, quiet, and calm, but he has a temperament that he does not want to be disturbed. As a result, except for Su Yu, who is big-hearted, it is difficult for others to talk to him.

As soon as Su Yu returned to class with Fu Luoyin, she saw Lin Shuicheng writing a question, so he gave Lin Shuicheng a cup of the three milk teas he bought - he originally planned to save it for drinking at night; in order to thank Lin Shuicheng for the He talks about the topic.

When Lin Shuicheng saw him bringing milk tea, he was startled:
"No, it's just a topic."

Su Yu smiled and said: "It's okay. I have three cups here. The milk tea outside our school is very delicious!"
Lin Shuicheng thought about it.

Thinking about it, and no longer refusing, he took it over and took a sip: "Thank you, I'll treat you to a drink next time." There were
brand new books spread out on his desk, which seemed to be the batch he bought in the afternoon.
Su Yu leaned over and looked at it, her eyes widened: "This is the competition book. Are you taking the competition?"

Lin Shuicheng said "hmm" and said, "I transferred here as a special recruit from the competition."

"Hey, then Where did you go to school in the first place, and why did you suddenly come here?" Su Yu admired Lin Shuicheng even more - they spoke in normal voices and did not shy away from the classmates around them. Everyone heard the keyword "competition", and there were a lot of shouts. A searching gaze.

For these outstanding students, although being a competitive student is not unusual, it is still a very unique and enviable status. Star University Affiliated High School holds the League Olympics every year to select the best contestants from all branches around the world.

Just by representing the league division in global competitions, contestants have already acquired a special aura in the eyes of many people - this means that the selection process requires students with outstanding talents that are both indispensable for their IQ and diligence. Star University opens a competitive class every year. Only students with a stable weighted average score in the top ten in single subjects in the whole grade are eligible to enter. And entering the competitive class does not mean that you will be selected as a team member by the alliance branch. There are countless students in Star City alone There are thousands of youth trainees from key prestigious schools.
This is truly one in a million.

The special recruitment for the competition means that Lin Shuicheng is already one of the representative members of the league division!

Lin Shuicheng said: "It turned out that I joined the alliance selection team in Dongtong City No. 1 Middle School. Because the selection center was in Star City, which was too far away from home, I transferred here."

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