chapter 49

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Seeing Lin Shuicheng stunned, Han Huang smiled: "Do you think I don't know? The eyes of people in unrequited love are very sharp. You and I have little chance to meet. You will return everything I give you. But I happened to meet Chu Shihan when I played table tennis and basketball. His eyes lit up when he mentioned you. I met you in the cafeteria for laboratory dinners several times, but the atmosphere between you and him was different. Originally, I thought , It doesn’t matter if I can’t enter the laboratory. The worst I can do is finish four years of chemistry studies and stay in the branch to work. I will always have the opportunity to meet you. But later on, I guessed that you two were in a relationship, so I gave up. You also said , you think it’s not worth wasting your time.”

He lowered his head and smiled, "I actually don't know if it's worth it. I only know that I still regretted it after studying finance. I thought I could give up, but I didn't expect you to take the exam and come to the School of Mathematics, Lin Shuicheng. .I don’t know if this is an opportunity given to me by fate.”

Lin Shuicheng was still stunned. After a long time, he lowered his head, picked up the cup, and didn't drink it.

He didn't answer his words, he just said: "Classmate Han, maybe you don't know me very well, and I may not be who you imagined..."

Han Huang looked at his eyes seriously: "Maybe I am being abrupt, but I don't think so. You and I were admitted in the same year. I was in the School of Automation and you were in the School of Chemistry. I met at the scholarship commendation meeting at that time. As for you, you went up to speak as a student representative - I was aimless at the time, and was dragged over by a friend. I was originally going to help him find a girlfriend, but I saw you at a glance...and then I never saw you again. I couldn’t look away.”

When Lin Shuicheng was a freshman, he still had the temperament of a high school student. It was obvious that he was a bit cold, but he was calmer and more mature than his peers.

However, he is such a dazzling and good-looking person, even though he is very low-key - even his speeches are well-written. After reading, he just quietly returned to his seat, tilted his head and held a small notebook to write and read, Waiting for the lengthy commendation meeting to end.

He was a pretty standard top student and looked like a perfectly run machine. I just don't know why, but I always look so cold and lonely.

Han Huang

"Although it sounds like boasting, I have to say that I am very smart and have never worried about grades since I was a child. My family has money, and I also have the freedom that my family gave me, nominally until I was thirty. After seeing you , I started to think about my future direction. I heard that your family situation is not good, you are exempt from tuition and accommodation fees, you receive a scholarship, and you work under Yang Zhiwei... I don’t mean anything by saying this, I just want to Said, at that time, you were very dazzling to me and difficult to reach. Because you were a proud and arrogant person. You would not feel inferior because of your material conditions, but worked hard to get rid of it all. You were better than anyone else. Realize the purpose of life earlier, there is no such person around me, you are the first.”

Han Huang took a deep breath and rubbed his head: "I was stupid at first. I switched departments... Later I realized that if it were you, you probably wouldn't like to change your direction for someone. After I figured it out, , because the quota for transferring departments was exhausted, I dropped out of school and retaken the exam at XINGU, went to the Department of Finance, and started competing in debate competitions. The freedom given by others is not freedom. I only came to know it after I met you. Some kind of In a sense, I found my direction by chasing you, so I...I..."

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