chapter 51

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Lin Shuicheng packed up everything at home.

He brought almost nothing with him, everything was in the workroom, seven or eight boxes full of materials, and countless mobile hard drives, neatly placed in storage boxes.

The rest is the storm bottle and the cat supplies that the chief is used to.

The chief is a little country cat and has no future. No matter how many cat toys and cat climbing frames you buy for him, his favorites are still corrugated cardboard, a small steel basin, and a cut-line pillowcase that he has drilled through - the chief likes to huddle in it and pretend to be dead in the winter.

Most of the remaining clothes with uncut tags were not even unpacked, and Lin Shuicheng neatly sorted them to the other side. Although Fu Luoyin lived in this house with him, there were very few things added that gave the two of them a sense of living together.

Fu Luoyin was busy with work, and everything else was ready-made. Even the framed paintings on the wall of the living room were samples that had not been removed when the house was handed over, and were covered with a thin layer of dust-proof film.

Lin Shuicheng sorted everything out, then lay on the sofa and searched for rental properties near Xingda University.

Housing prices in Xingcheng are not low, and land near Xingda is even more valuable. Originally, he could live in the graduate dormitory, but graduate dormitories are usually assigned two or three roommates.

Lin Shuicheng doesn't like living with others. During his four years of undergraduate study, his schedule has never matched that of his roommates, and he has never been gregarious. He goes out early and comes back late to spend time in the library and laboratory, while the others play games, fall in love, have dinners and do activities. They have nothing in common, and conflicts and frictions are inevitable.

He searched for a while and saw a Xingda professor selling a room allocated to employees on the campus in the early years. The infrastructure was complete and the price was very good, but the location was not very good - it was on the first floor, which is also an area for old employees, and most of them had already been rented. go out. Such a place is inevitably noisy, humid, and has poor lighting and ventilation. These unfavorable conditions are all written very honestly. The homeowner is obviously not very good at taking photos, although he has uploaded forty or fifty photos, which are accurate and detailed. There are no details at all, but it looks dusty and old, like a refugee camp, so no one cares about it.

After Lin Shuicheng looked at it for a while, he made an appointment to see the house this afternoon.

After the call was made, someone immediately answered: "Do you want to see the house? Are you a student of our school?"

"He is a first-year graduate student of our school." Lin Shuicheng said.

"Oh, then when you have time, come directly to where I teach and get the key. I have a class in the afternoon in 303, Teaching Building No. 1. You can just come in. If you have any questions, ask me anytime. You can put the key in the flower pot at the door. You can go downstairs. My place is old and small, but it’s quite safe. There’s an AI line at the door to monitor any abnormalities and call the police at any time.”

The other party left the department and name. Lin Shuicheng was a little stunned after reading it.

The old professor in the rental house happens to be the author of the third article he was responsible for reviewing. His surname is Du, and his name is Du Qingwu. He is an old man who is close to sixty years old and a full professor in the School of Chemistry. The research direction of him and his students is metabolomics and proteomics, which is connected to the medical school. Since it involves analytical chemistry and mass spectrometry, the paper was assigned to Lin Shuicheng for review by sinemora. The ideas, experimental evidence, and innovation chain They were all impeccable. In many places, Lin Shuicheng even had to check the information for a day before he could understand it. That article really made Lin Shuicheng very interested in the job of reviewing.

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