chapter 29

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The discussion was so loud that it was like boiling water.

Lin Shuicheng arranged the printing papers in order, scanned and projected them on the big screen, then went back and adjusted the size and clarity. The most primitive quantum computer algorithm formulas are densely arranged. Due to the size limit of the scanning projector, only this complex calculation record can be seen.

Before he had time to explain, Professor Luo Song stood up and interrupted him: "This is a famous painting identification project, which is completely inconsistent with your quantum analysis major. I can't imagine how you can identify it through quantum analysis and just calculation methods. The difference between these two famous paintings. The professors present are not in this direction, but it does not mean that you, a student, are allowed to talk nonsense here - quantum analysis is mostly used in the field of big data prediction, and your theoretical tools sound like using A chocolate bar lifts up a shark in the deep sea!"

Luo Song spoke very fast, with a certain urgency. He stared sternly at Lin Shuicheng on the podium, his attitude unquestionable.

Next to him, Yu Fan had slumped down on the chair ten minutes ago, covered in cold sweat and his face was ashen——

He has been like this since Xiao Jue opened the door and said "a group of seven sponsored projects". He had Yangfeng Nanotechnology behind him, but no matter what, he never expected that Lin Shuicheng would actually have Qi Chu behind him!

Seven locations involve the deepest scientific research secrets, and the equipment that can be used is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Lin Shuicheng went to seven places and used equipment, so did he make a comparison at the molecular level?

Once there is any difference in the data between the two of them, a data confrontation will be staged in this hall in real time. Then everyone will know that he, Yu Fan, has falsified the data!

Yu Fan's fingers were trembling a little, and he smiled as if he was mocking himself, and murmured to himself: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, he is using a quantum computer. There should be no small molecule comparison, there should be no..."

Facing Luo Song's question, Lin Shuicheng smiled gently: "The question raised by the teacher was also a question I wanted to ask."

"Perhaps not just me, but all the teachers and students in the department have questioned the rationality of assigning this project to the Department of Quantum Analysis. Because no matter how you look at it, this is a decision that was made at once, with an unreasonable time limit. There is no reason for the pressure on scientific researchers from inappropriate majors and from above.”

When he was here, he paused slightly, but this moment of pause set off a huge silent wave in the hearts of more people. The atmosphere was like a storm coming, solidifying, making everyone's heart skip a beat.

Everyone here knows exactly who this sentence is aimed at.

Lin Shuicheng has not let go of his doubts about this project and department leaders until now. He is now standing on this reporting stage and saying this in front of all the big shots. It can basically be equivalent to a direct slap in the face of the upper management!

The departments of Xingda University, the principal of Xingda University, the police department, and even Hemuya himself were all brought in by his words.

His attitude was very clear: he was still dissatisfied with the decision made by the department leaders, and still remembered Xu Kong's hatred for being so angry that he had high blood pressure in the department office.

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