chapter 78

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Fu Luoyin woke up very early the next day.

Lin Shuicheng was still sleeping when he woke up, but Fu Luoyin, uncharacteristically, did not get out of bed to make breakfast first, but remained in this position without moving.

Lin Shuicheng turned his back to him before going to bed last night. Somehow he turned into a facing position when he fell asleep. Fu Luoyin's hands were also holding his back, holding him tightly in his arms. The bed was warm and smelled of shower gel.

Fu Luoyin didn't dare to express his anger, he only hoped that Lin Shuicheng would wake up later.

Such a peaceful scene inexplicably gave him a very strong sense of happiness. The flattering feeling that Lin Shuicheng suddenly got into his arms last night still didn't fade away.

Lin Shuicheng was like a cat. When he was sleepy and cold, he just found a warm place to curl up. He didn't know if or when it would come next time.

He could only be careful not to disturb him, greedily attached to the breath on his body, staring at his dark and curved eyelashes, slightly sickly fair skin, soft broken hair, and red lips.

There is also a subtle fragrance in the breath.

He was sleeping so deeply, if he kissed him secretly... Lin Shuicheng wouldn't wake him up, right?

Fu Luoyin thought.

But he didn't move. He looked at the person in his arms seriously for a while, even breathing very softly.

At this time, Fu Luoyin felt something moving above his head.

The chief woke up after sleeping all night and adjusting his sleeping position gracefully.

Fu Luoyin raised his eyes and looked up, and was praying secretly, "Don't jump down, don't jump down." The leader jumped down with a "plop", landed perfectly next to the pillow, and fell into the pillow between Fu Luoyin and Lin Shuicheng in the gap.

Fu Luoyin's eyes were about to burst and he quickly checked to see if Lin Shuicheng had woken up. The good news was that he hadn't, but the bad news was that the chief didn't seem to have any intention of leaving immediately.

Fu Luoyin was lying on his side, with both hands used to hold Lin Shuicheng, and there was no room left to drive away the cow cat.

He raised his head and felt a warm breath sniffing his face. The chief took a closer look at him and stared at him with big eyes.

Then, the chief turned his head in disgust and began to do the cat walk. After turning a few times, he began to step on the quilt gracefully. Fortunately, the two quilts were thick and Lin Shuicheng was still not awakened by the chief's movement.

Fu Luoyin breathed a sigh of relief and decided to add a chicken drumstick to the chief later.

Within ten seconds of feeling relieved, Fu Luoyin felt movement at the end of the bed. He tried his best to glance at the end of the bed - as if he sensed that the chief was getting up, the little gray cat jumped onto the bed.

The little gray cat was brought in by Lin Shuicheng yesterday. He ran out again at some point and only came back at this time.

The little gray cat curiously slipped in along the quilt, stretched its neck and sniffed the chief cat.

Fu Luoyin saw that the chief's tail, which was waving happily, had stopped moving, and he knew something was wrong - this meant that the cow cat's patience was gradually being worn out.

The chief stretched out his paw to scratch the little gray cat, but the little gray cat quickly retaliated - he pounced on the chief, and then licked the chief's fur.

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