chapter 37

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As expected, Fu Luoyin went to fry potato chips for him.

His cooking skills were not as good as those of Lin Shuicheng. When he saw that Lin Shuicheng had a pot of soaked potato slices, he didn't care too much and just put them in the pot and fried them. He knew that Lin Shuicheng liked food with less oil, so he took it out and drained it, and then used oil-absorbing paper to absorb it, and then delivered it to Lin Shuicheng, dry and hot. Sprinkled with pepper, salt and cumin on top, it is fragrant.

The third article Lin Shuicheng encountered was not in the right direction for his field of expertise. The process of looking up information and understanding the model was even more lengthy and arduous. He rubbed his eyes and touched a piece of potato chips given by Fu Luoyin.

After eating, he realized that Fu Luoyin was looking at him from the side, as if waiting to be praised.

Lin Shuicheng thought for a moment and said, "It's not as delicious as the one I made. You didn't blanch it."

"Oh." Fu Luoyin snatched the bowl back and ate it leisurely.

Lin Shuicheng continued to read the literature. After reading for a while, he reached out his hand to take the potato chips very naturally and smoothly. As a result, his hand was caught by Fu Luoyin: "My potato chips are unpalatable, you are not allowed to eat them."

Lin Shuicheng: "Oh."

He retracted his hand, seemingly motionless, and really had no intention of continuing to eat.

Seeing this, Fu Luoyin lost his temper and quickly picked out a potato chip and put it to his mouth: "Eat, eat, eat. Are you childish? Why are you trying to compete with me like this?"

Lin Shuicheng ignored him and opened his mouth to eat, leaving shallow tooth marks on his fingertips.

He was reading literature here, and Fu Luoyin was feeding a cat. He was fighting over landlords and other cards. When he remembered, he fed Lin Shuicheng a piece of potato chips.

Lin Shuicheng happened to be writing with an electronic pen, so his hands were free and he didn't have to wipe his hands after taking the potato chips. He ate them obediently.

Fu Luoyin felt that Lin Shuicheng looked too much like a cat: "Did you give birth to the chief, Lin Shuicheng?"

Lin Shuicheng suddenly heard such a shocking question and just glanced at him lightly. Fu Luoyin was convinced that this was the look he gave to a fool.

After the two of them washed up, Fu Luoyin grabbed Lin Shuicheng and moved their position.

Lin Shuicheng was very comfortable to hold. Fu Luoyin took a pillow and leaned it behind him. Lin Shuicheng sat in front of him. He lowered his head and rested his chin on his shoulder as usual. Lin Shuicheng obviously didn't mind having a human mat behind him. Fu Luoyin would also lift up the quilt and pile it on his waist. One of them was reading literature and the other was playing Landlord. This posture was unexpectedly harmonious.

Fu Luoyin opened the message and saw a new message from Zhou Heng: [Mr. Fu, the matching list you asked us to send at the beginning of the month is here. Please take a look. 】

The B4 plan that Bureau 7 asked him to restart was not a simple matter. Although the Fu family mastered the core technology of this plan, the leader was not so easy to find. Back then, Chu Shihan was able to become the leader as a master. His own personal ability was only one aspect. The other aspect was that he was the biological son of the Fu family - although others did not know this secret.

After Chu Shihan passed away, who would take over was a big question. There are too many secrets involved in Fu's military technology. Once leaked, it will endanger the entire Fu's military industry, so the candidate for the successor is very critical.

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