chapter 53

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"move place?"

Su Yu almost bit her tongue.

Lin Shuicheng smiled and said, "Yes, I've already contacted you. You can come over for dinner after I finish cleaning up for a day." He looked at the coconut chicken on the plate. The coconut chicken in the Sanyuan canteen is made of coconut water and frozen food purchased in bulk. Made from chicken, the meat is relatively woody and has an inexplicable fishy smell.

But Su Yu obviously really thought it was delicious. He had almost finished the second plate of rice, and he seemed to be still a little unfinished.

Su Yu was so frightened that she almost dropped the plate: "Sister-in-law, are you moving out now?"

"Well, I separated from him. I wonder if he told you." Lin Shuicheng said softly, "I don't think it's good to continue living there. I have found a place before, but I still need a day to move and organize. It may not be convenient for you to come to your door, but it will be fine later. You can tell me in advance what you want to eat, or can I make coconut chicken?"

Su Yu was dumbfounded.

He only remembered Fu Luoyin telling him on the phone that Lin Shuicheng was going to break up, but he had no idea that Lin Shuicheng was so determined to leave. In just a short while, Lin Shuicheng had obviously even thought of his future plans.

He also agreed to Fu Luoyin under coercion and inducement to help coax him back!

He asked tremblingly: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, are you breaking up with Xia Ran because of him?"

Lin Shuicheng was stunned for a moment: "Who?"

Su Yu: "...sister-in-law, don't you know who he is? It's the ex-boyfriend of Fu Er that I mentioned to you... But sister-in-law, I think if you really want to break up, should you wait until Fu Er comes back before deciding? For a moment? He told me he was serious."

Lin Shuicheng was silent for a while: "It's not because of these or other things, it's just that I don't want to be with him anymore. I hope to return to my original life."

Su Yu was dumbfounded: "Sister-in-law, you broke up too easily. You still need to talk to Fu Er to coordinate. If you are in love and leave without saying anything, it will be very hurtful..."

"He and I are not in a relationship. He and I both know this," Lin Shuicheng said.

Su Yu was dumbfounded again: "Huh? Sister-in-law, you're not... you're not the one who fell in love at first sight... No, I mean, isn't your relationship pretty good?"

He had met Lin Shuicheng as early as a year ago. At that time, he had not resigned from the forensic system and ran to Fu Luoyin to submit Chu Shihan's special channel autopsy record. He happened to see Fu Luoyin going to Xingda University to find Lin Shuicheng. , the three of them had a meal together.

At that time, he really thought that Fu Luoyin could get over his relationship with Xia Ran, and he was especially happy for him.

Lin Shuicheng's eyes sparkled when he looked at Fu Luoyin, and he couldn't fake that kind of attitude.

Fu Luoyin was also more interested in Lin Shuicheng than anyone else. Su Yu still remembered the last time he called him in the middle of the night and asked him to pick someone up at the seventh place. Fu Luoyin has never begged anyone before, and today he threatened him by complaining to Yan Zi, and called him Xiaoyu to beg for benefits.

Lin Shuicheng pursed his lips: "It's probably not a romantic relationship. I wanted to say before that you might have misunderstood. He and I are just..." After Lin Shuicheng thought for a while, he chose a word carefully, "Sex partner."

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