chapter 101

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The heavy rain in the alliance lasted for several days. In the following days, Lin Shuicheng never saw Fu Luoyin.

Ever since Fu Luoyin led the Investigation Division 1 to achieve breakthrough results, he has been staying on the front line to command combat plans; Lin Shuicheng has stayed in the Old Seventh Building to optimize modeling and conduct research around the clock.

Several consecutive events have proven the usability and accuracy of his model, but the original problem has not been eliminated: no matter how many times Lin Shuicheng optimizes, the first relevant index in the Torch case is the Torch Committee itself; similarly, there are In more cases, for example, in some of the RANDOM organization lists obtained this time, more incredible conclusions were derived after calculation. For example, if the incident of Chen Lang brother and sister is deduced forward, the starting point of the incident shows not a person nor an event, but A weather forecast with no beginning or end.

Jin Li told him: "This situation cannot be ruled out for the time being. Your denoising algorithm is enough, but the machine's computing power is not enough. They cannot accurately select these correlations that do not cause causation, unless you really have A complete quantum computer can completely reverse quantum entanglement and classical chaos phenomena. This is a technical matter, not an ideological matter. And people from the old No. 7 Branch will not arrest a weather forecast."

Lin Shuicheng smiled quietly. : "I understand."

He took out his phone and looked at it.

In the past two days, he and Fu Luoyin had only communicated through text messages and had no time to even make phone calls.

The timing of Fu Luoyin's replies to his messages was unpredictable. Sometimes, it would take seven or eight hours for him to reply, and he could only read his last message.

Lin Shuicheng: [How is the situation over there? be safe. 】
Fu Luoyin: 【It's safe, it's okay. You remember to take your medicine. 】
Lin Shuicheng: 【Are you still on a mission today? I took it, and Su Yu came to give me the medicine. 】
Fu Luoyin: 【Just eat it, you must eat it on time. The kitten is well behaved. 】

Fu Luoyin sometimes showed some carelessness in these details. Ever since Fu Luoyin used the old No. 7 channel to talk to him that day, almost everyone knew Fu Luoyin's nickname for Lin Shuicheng. When Su Yu heard about it, she almost died from laughter: "My parents have talked about this at work. At first, they said that he would not forget to confess his love even if it was a life-or-death situation. But the more rumors went on, the more it became more and more unseemly. How old is he to still use such a nickname? Even if I use my baby! Oh, it's so boring."

Lin Shuicheng thought of these trivial things and looked down at the screen of his mobile phone, and couldn't help but have a smile in his eyes.

He was editing the text message.

There were many things he wanted to tell him, but after typing them out, he deleted them word by word. In the end, he only sent him: [Remember to find me when you are not busy. 】

Although he knew that Fu Luoyin would not see the text message immediately, he still waited with bated breath for a while before turning off his phone and returning to the workbench.

The surveillance on him has been removed, Lin Shuicheng's workshop has been moved to the second floor, and only four or five guards are left on duty to ensure his safety.

Jin Li moved it down with him to use the equipment. Seeing that he was still struggling with his model, he asked him: "Or are you interested in building a quantum computer with me? I have encountered some obstacles recently and I also need to use it. Quantum computer."

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