chapter 85

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There was a little gossip in the alliance’s direct examination, that is, Xia Ran was admitted to the surveying and mapping position in the Seventh Bureau.

When Su Yu told Fu Luoyin the news, Fu Luoyin almost threw his phone out: "Seven places?"
Su Yu said: "Dong Hei said this, and I don't know him well enough to understand his specific thoughts. It's up to you to interpret. Just a reminder, so that when you meet again, there won't be any unexpected issues. After the incident with Bai Yi Yi, everyone in the circle is well aware of the seriousness. Keep yourself steady, especially now that your sister-in-law is in a critical recovery period. Absolutely avoid any disturbances similar to the last time." Su Yu also heard about the incidents involving Panshan Highway and Tang Yang.

Fu Luoyin's scalp was numb: "Okay, okay."
Fu Luoyin was wondering whether he should report to Lin Shuicheng that Xia Ran came to the Seventh Office?
If he didn't report it, if Lin Shuicheng knew it by accident, he would probably keep silent and think wildly, thinking that he still had his old feelings for Xia Ran.

After thinking for a while, Fu Luoyin wrote a note: "My ex-boyfriend passed the seventh exam this time. I don't know about this. I will keep my distance." He rolled up the note and tied it to Xiao Hui on the cat's tail, and then patted its head: "Xiao Hui, go and find Lin Shuicheng."

Lin Shuicheng was in the study.
The little gray cat really listened to his words and ran to find Lin Shuicheng.
Lin Shuicheng noticed it as soon as it dangled in front of Lin Shuicheng. He took off the note, unfolded it and looked at it for a while, but found no reaction. Instead, he put it away in the document bag, along with the cat Fu Luoyin drew last time. Head sticky notes together.

The little gray cat was still squatting in front of his desk, tilting his head and looking at the model picture on his screen.

Lin Shuicheng thought for a while, then took a sticky note, wrote a few words, and rolled it around the little gray cat's tail.

He patted the little gray cat on the head: "Fu Luoyin, go find the great Fu Luoyin."

He only called it this way when Fu Luoyin himself was not present.
The little gray cat immediately accepted the order and jumped off the table.

However, after leaving the room, it seemed to have forgotten the instructions - it struggled with the passing chief for a while, then went to the kitchen to inspect, and finally came to the living room, where it was captured by Fu Luoyin who was having a video conference.
While Fu Luoyin was talking on the phone, he caught the cat and took the note from the tip of its tail.

[Would you like to eat with me in the future?]
[During the interview, we ate in the police station’s cafeteria, which was not bad]

The police station and the Seventh Branch will move to the Alliance Central Office Building a few years ago. In the future, even the cafeterias will be merged. This news People in the alliance system gradually heard about it. The second and ninth offices have already moved there first.
Lin Shuicheng clearly didn't answer the question, but Fu Luoyin knew that he understood.

He couldn't help but laugh - he was obviously an adult entering the society, but he was still passing notes saying these ordinary things and making an appointment to have dinner together.
Childish, but also fresh and sweet.
Like the new leaves that burst out of the ground in spring, they vigorously spread out their fearless vitality, so preciously exposing their only life to the sunshine - because the agreement with that light was the only agreement he cherished and valued.
He put the note into his wallet.

Lin Shuicheng could have reported again after the year, but in order to obtain information and data as soon as possible, he went to work first.
With offers from all three agencies, he chose the Crime Statistics Service.
The Crime Data Investigation Department is a small department, with only about four or five people in one department. The department’s annual task is to summarize and research the crime data of the year, make a report, analyze the crime trends, and submit it to the overall department based on social conditions. We will also do some crime prediction research and research and monitoring of potential criminals. However, these activities are not taken very seriously because there are no particularly outstanding and useful research results, so it is regarded as a half-service department.

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