chapter 57

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Fu Luoyin leaned on the sofa, almost sinking in. There was no light on in the living room, but the light on the small balcony was on, and the dim light illuminated his gloomy profile.

Su Yu carefully walked around the broken pieces of the phone and mustered up all his courage to say, "Fu...Fu Er."

Fu Luoyin finally moved, glanced in his direction, and then looked away again.

Su Yu had never seen Fu Luoyin look so weak and haggard. His eyes were red and bloodshot, and he felt indescribably tired.

He looked at Fu Luoyin, then looked back at the remains of the phone and the giant pink plush pillow he held in his arms - after weighing it, he placed the pillow next to Fu Luoyin and kindly pulled Fu Luoyin up. Luo Yin's arm was placed on the pillow to show comfort.

Su Yu behaved like a primary school student. He sat upright on the sofa beside him and swallowed: "That...sister-in-law, you are..."

Obviously they haven't reconciled yet, and the quarrel may even get worse.

Before Su Yu finished asking, he wanted to slap himself in the mouth - why did he ask?

Fu Luoyin didn't answer.

He was put in a posture by Su Yu holding a pink girl pillow, which looked a little funny. Su Yu wanted to laugh a little, but also felt a little sad for him.

After a long time, Fu Luoyin murmured: "Su Yu, Xiaoyu, I don't know why. Why does Xia Ran treat me like this, and why does Lin Shuicheng treat me like this?"

Su Yu was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Xia Ran clearly liked him back then. The first time he saw Xia Ran after he came back from the military academy, Xia Ran quietly walked hand in hand with him on the street for a whole day and night. He told him about his experiences in the army until his voice became hoarse. Xia Ran listened happily and held his hand and refused to let go.

He thought it was the dawn after his struggle, which was visible to the naked eye. He tried his best to protect the young man's light. He thought that they still had a long way to go in the future and could accompany each other, but what happened to Xia Ran in the end? Left him without saying a word.

Those depressing, gloomy, and abandoned times were already forgotten by him.

Lin Shuicheng was an accident that broke into his life, a speck of dust that he had never paid attention to. But he slowly discovered that the person next to him was actually a shining diamond. He liked the way Lin Shuicheng was calm and in control during the defense meeting. He liked Lin Shuicheng's shining and gentle eyes when he looked at him, and he liked seeing his slender figure busy in the kitchen. Lin Shuicheng has all the traits he likes, he can call him husband, he can be coquettish and angry, he can be calm and indifferent in front of others, and he is as warm as fire here.

Just when he wanted to have a real start with him, Lin Shuicheng was exactly like Xia Ran back then and left without saying anything.

Fu Luoyin took out a menthol cigarette, lowered his head and lit it, and asked in a low voice: "...Did I do something wrong?"

"Fu Er, be honest, although Dong Hei and I guessed this, did you initially regard your sister-in-law as a substitute?" Su Yu asked. Dong Shuoye has a nickname here called Dong Hei, which means "Shuoye". However, Dong Shuoye didn't like this nickname, so he usually called it secretly.

Fu Luoyin was silent for a while.


Then, he added: "Lin Shuicheng doesn't know."

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