chapter 81

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Before returning home, Fu Luoyin saw that it was almost time for dinner, so he ate some stir-fried food outside.

When he returned home, just as he expected, Fu Kai and Chu Jingshu had just left the table and did not leave any food for him.

But when Fu Luoyin just entered the door, the housekeeper asked: "Second Young Master, would you like to have something to eat?"

Chu Jingshu was stunned when she heard this, and then looked at the bowls, cups and plates that were about to be cleared away. Hesitantly asked Fu Luoyin: "Shall I make you some soup? Your dad said... that you have a bad stomach. Drink soup to nourish your stomach."

She had just taken medicine today, feeling fine, but deliberately avoided looking at Fu Luoyin's face.

"It's okay, Mom, you can go and have a rest. My partner has made soup for me." Fu Luoyin replied politely, "Dad wanted to talk to me about something. Do you like the magazines and handicrafts I brought back? I went back to Aunt Yan and picked up some original fabrics from a craft exhibition ten years ago that she had collected."

Before Chu Jing Shu could speak, Fu Kai sipped his tea and sarcastically said, "The son you gave birth to spends more time at the Su family than ours. He treats Yan Zi like a real mom, and you don't seem to care."

Chu Jing Shu smiled, thought for a moment, and replied as if unsure what to say, "It'll be the same when he gets married in the future."
Fu Luoyin and Fu Kai changed their expressions at the same time - Fu Luoyin turned green, but Fu Kai laughed approvingly: "I agree. Setting aside the Xia family for now, Su Yu is a good match. He's a well-grounded child, much better than that Lin Shuicheng. Isn't he too forceful?"

Fu Luoyin said: "Dad, if you tell me this, I won't be sleepy. That recent deal at the Su family? It was signed because of Lin Shuicheng's reputation. Do you know how many drugs he developed during his undergraduate years, how many papers he published, and how many projects he participated in? Talent like his is something our family should be eager to have. What does his background matter? Even if his family isn't well-off, he's still outstanding. If he were born into a family like ours, wouldn't he have soared to great heights by now? If it weren't for me at the Seventh Division, do you think Lin Shuicheng could become one of us? Oh, by the way, he also cracked the case in the last police department operation."

Okay, okay, come up with me and talk about business." Fu Kai knew that he was wrong, so he could only interrupt him first.

Fu Luoyin shut up - he now knew Lin Shuicheng's information and resume by heart. If he was asked to praise Lin Shuicheng, he could praise him for another three days and three nights. He would not accept Fu Kai's tricks at all.

Fu Kai lectured him as usual about the Bai family. At the end of the lecture, Fu Luoyin reluctantly relaxed: "In half a year, all kinds of restrictions on them will be lifted after half a year.  Anything else, Dad? If not, I'll head back."

"Look at you, every time you come back it's like you're in jail. Can't we just have a family reunion without you making it difficult? And that Lin Shuicheng, what about the promise you made last time? Ah, didn't take it seriously! Just playing around! Break up by the end of the year! And now?" Fu Kai sighed heavily.

Fu Luoyin looked indifferent, even smiling a little.

Fu Kai seemed to realize that he was nagging too much, and turned serious: "There is one thing, the man from the Space Administration intends to take over the Defense Bureau."

"Is it still General He?" Fu Luoyin frowned, "Seventh Bureau She and the Space Agency belong to her, so why is she reaching out to the Defense Bureau?"

"She has long been out of control of the Seventh Office. We all know this clearly - you Seventh Office are very independent! One is Xiao Jue, and the other is Xiao Jue. Can Hemuya control the old scientific research man transferred from various departments?" Fu Kai lowered his voice and said in a deep voice, "The Defense Bureau is a bit complicated at the moment. I am from the Nine Factions, and there is also a deputy director from the Space Administration. , Hemuya submitted an application to take over the work of the Defense Bureau yesterday - the opportunity was the attack by the RANDOM organization, and she felt that a united front was needed."

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