chapter 8

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Lin Shuicheng couldn't get out of bed the next day.

Fu Luoyin woke up two hours earlier than him. He didn't know when he fell asleep yesterday. When he turned his head, he could still see the tears of the
Lin Shuicheng around him. They were wet and half dry, making the corners of his red eyes slightly shiny. Wrapped in a quilt and huddled in a corner, wishing he was thousands of miles away from him,he looked like a bullied little kitten, so pitiful.

Fu Luoyin thought of how Lin Shuicheng cried so much last night and begged him that his voice became hoarse. He couldn't help but feel a little better - he didn't just bully Lin Shuicheng, Lin Shuicheng scratched, scratched and bit him without mercy. Later he asked him: "Why are you crying? Are you feeling comfortable?" Lin Shuicheng became silent again at this time. He stood up to wash up, but Lin Shuicheng pressed himself against him, humming in a low voice and calling him husband with a nasal voice.

It makes people's hearts itch and tingle.

It was rare that Fu Luoyin was free in the morning, so he didn't go anywhere else. Instead, he went to the kitchen to make toast, fried eggs and oatmeal.

His cooking skills are not as good as Lin Shuicheng's, but in the two years in the 8th Special Zone, he has learned to cook even a piece of wood, and he can still make a simple breakfast.

"Get up, eat before going to bed." Fu Luoyin went to wake Lin Shuicheng up and gently rubbed Lin Shuicheng's hair.

Lin Shuicheng's hair is very soft and fine, and feels like a cat.

Lin Shuicheng opened his eyes drowsily, got up and got out of bed obediently. His whole body ached, and his hands and legs would even tremble when he stretched them out. Fu Luoyin simply sat down next to him and pulled the person into his arms.

Lin Shuicheng was suddenly held in his arms and was very nervous. He begged him a little aggrievedly, with a hoarse bass: "No more... I feel pain everywhere, and I can't go to the laboratory today..."

"Good student, it's Saturday today. Even if you work overtime, check your rest time." Fu Luoyin clasped his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. He didn't do anything else. He just helped him button his shirt and then helped him. He wears clothes.

In a sense, he is a very gentleman. Apart from bullying others in bed, he will follow his partner's wishes in daily trivial matters. Although Fu Luoyin is not very good at taking care of people, it is just like cooking. He is not very good at it, but he can do it.

After putting on his clothes and socks, Fu Luoyin pinched Lin Shuicheng's toes and pulled the socks on without much care.

Lin Shuicheng pursed his lips and lowered his head to straighten his socks. When he turned around, Fu Luoyin kissed him on the lips and pushed him down on the bed.

Lin Shuicheng pushed him with his hand: "You agreed to let go..." Hearing the voice, he almost cried again.

Fu Luoyin kissed him and laughed, his voice cold and magnetic: "I didn't say anything."

After a while, Lin Shuicheng became silent and relaxed, as if he had accepted the reality. Fu Luoyin didn't move. He put his hands on both sides of Lin Shuicheng's body and said in a low voice, "I'll let you go this time."

Lin Shuicheng looked at him with wide eyes, blinked, and said "hmm", feeling a little happy.

Fu Luoyin's eyes were filled with a hint of joking: "Aren't you going to cry?"

Lin Shuicheng turned over and slipped away from his grasp, ignoring him.

Playing with Lin Shuicheng is more fun than playing with cats.

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