chapter 55

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Dong Shuoye got up at five o'clock the next morning for a morning run. When he came back, he opened the refrigerator to look for water and saw Su Yu's mobile phone frozen in the refrigerator.

Dong Shuoye: "?"

He picked it up and saw that Su Yu's cell phone had shut down automatically due to the cold.

While wiping his sweat, he turned back and walked into the room. He saw Su Yu still sleeping soundly, so he reached out and stuffed the cold mobile phone into his neck——

Su Yu screamed and jumped on the bed, desperately hiding under the quilt, and woke up. Dong Shuo put it away at night, put Su Yu's phone on the pillow, and looked at him with a half-smile: "You put the phone in the refrigerator, do you plan to eat frozen phone this morning?"

Su Yu seemed to have had a brain defect since he was a child. Dong Shuoye knew that the things he did could not be explained by ordinary logic - especially when this guy was drunk.

Su Yu thought of this, and felt excited all over again.

He was completely drunk last night and acted completely on instinct. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to... shut Fu Luoyin's phone in the refrigerator.

He immediately got up to turn on the phone and asked Dong Shuoye for a mobile phone charger.

Dong Shuoye spread his hands: "I don't have a data cable that matches yours, but Xia Ran's mobile phone model is the same as yours..."

"Ganggungun, get your cell phone and I'll call Fu Er." Su Yu took a deep breath, "I'm ready for the storm to come!"

Su Yu took Dong Shuoye's cell phone and dialed Fu Luoyin's number.

After the call was connected, Su Yu jumped up like a rabbit, quickly turned around and put on his coat, and dragged Dong Shuoye out to rush out: "I, I, I, I'm here to tell you, I'm nervous, wait for me, Fu Er, Don't scold me for a moment. I picked up Dong Shuo's night train - no! I definitely didn't intentionally not answer your call! I was drunk yesterday, and I have no conscience!"

When he passed downstairs, Xia Ran was pouring boiling water for himself.

Hearing that familiar name, Xia Ran's movements paused for a moment, and then he lowered his head. The hot water poured into the paper cup and made a splash.

Su Yu dragged Dong Shuoye and rushed to the place where Fu Luoyin lived.

Su Yu knocked on the door, and Fu Luoyin's voice came from inside: "Password: It's my birthday."

The voice was hoarse and sounded tired.

Su Yu muttered: "I know what your birthday is, but what year were you born?" As he said this, Dong Shuoye reached over his shoulder, reached out and pressed a series of numbers, and the door clicked. "The ground suddenly opened.

As soon as she entered the door, Su Yu was startled by the smell of cigarette smoke that filled the room.

Menthol cigarettes don't smell bad, and they don't leave an indelible smell on the body like ordinary tobacco. However, after taking a puff, you will feel very cold from your mouth and nose to your lungs.

Fu Luoyin was sitting on the sofa. His soaked clothes were half dry and were still moist and wrinkled. He lay on the sofa with his eyes half closed. He leaned closer and his voice became hoarse: "Where is Lin Shuicheng?"

He checked, Lin Shuicheng had turned off his location tracking for him.

If he wanted to know where Lin Shuicheng was, there were many ways to find out immediately, but Fu Luoyin didn't want to do that.

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