chapter 65

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Lin Shuicheng's tone was very understated. Fu Luoyin hesitated several times beside him. Finally, as if to comfort himself that he could not say harsh words to Lin Shuicheng, he grabbed a few sips of the champagne next to him.

Su Yu also felt that he needed to drink some water to calm down. He coughed and said, "How about everyone goes back to their respective places for now? It looks like the banquet is about to start, and the birthday emcee needs preparation. Let's not make it confusing for friends and family to find each other later."

Yan Zi glared at him: "You kid, it's just two floors, what can be so hard to find? Why are you still so dull and clueless? Don't you know how to adapt?"

Su Yu, feeling wronged, said, "It's about to start, and I'm worried about delaying your time. " As he spoke, Su Yu subtly glanced in Xia Ran's direction, thinking that his words were both polite and efficient, showing a composed and graceful demeanor without leaving any room for criticism. He had been upset since his mother invited the Xia family. When the Xia family and the Su family competed for the location of the hospital, the Su family came first. The Xia family stepped in and took away the quota, causing the Su family to lose a lot of money. His father's hair turned half gray that month.

He was still young at that time, and the only thing he could do was not to play with Xia Ran.

Later, Fu Luoyin arrived and somehow ended up with Xia Ran. Su Yu and Fu Luoyin were in the same class, and he nearly felt like spitting blood. However, he didn't say much and silently wished them well. At that time, Su Yu felt that Xia Ran's parents' actions had nothing to do with Xia Ran himself. Acting like a child out of spite wouldn't be justified. He decided to let it go, thinking they might become friends in the future.

As a result, in his sophomore year, when Fu Luoyin graduated from the military academy, Xia Ran dumped him, leaving Fu Luoyin in a state of despair for almost half a year.

Su Yu, being protective, had considered Fu Luoyin his closest childhood friend, and this incident completely turned him against Xia Ran and the Xia family.

After uttering those words, Su Yu felt that anyone with a bit of face would know it's time to go downstairs—after all, the second floor wasn't reserved for them!

As expected, Bai Yiyi stood up, smiled slightly with a hint of awkwardness, "I need to use the restroom. Xia Ran just returned, and he must be happy to see old classmates. I won't disturb your reunion." After saying that, she patted Xia Ran on the shoulder, signaling him to stay, and then walked away.

Although it was only one person sent away, and the main person hadn't left yet, Su Yu, despite feeling dissatisfied, could only reluctantly accept it.

Xia Ran sat quietly on the side, staring at the table with lowered eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yan Zi glared at him: "Is it wrong to say that you are stubborn?"

"Okay, okay, I got it." Su Yu sighed helplessly, turned to Lin Shuicheng and smiled, "You see, my mother knows how to bury me."

Lin Shuicheng looked at him, and there was a smile in his eyes: "It's good. Auntie is doing this for your own good."

Today Lin Shuicheng is wearing a suit. Compared with his usual beautiful and feminine scientific researcher appearance, there is a slight difference. The specific subtlety is that the soft and soft things seem to be covered up by the clear-cut suit. Instead, A calm edge. That kind of sharp temperament is innate, but for some reason, Lin Shuicheng looked a little tired, but this fatigue broke the sense of distance.

There were some tiny stars in Lin Shuicheng's eyes, and he had a different kind of tenderness when he smiled.

Su Yu felt her heart beating a beat faster and almost blushed for a moment.

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