chapter 66

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After hearing the sound of the drink bottle hitting the table, Lin Shuicheng turned around and discovered Fu Luoyin.

Fu Luoyin was obviously angry and walked away without saying a word.

Su Yu wore a distressed expression, on the verge of tears, "It's over now, I'm finished... Sister, sister-in-law, Fu Er will kill me for sure!"

Lin Shuicheng fell silent for a moment, then calmly said, "It's okay. I'll talk to him. I pursued you; it's not that you wanted to be with me. You can consider my suggestion. If you have doubts based on moral considerations or external judgments, maybe you could explore open marriage. You can still live your previous life without putting too much pressure on yourself."

Su Yu continued to be dumbfounded. He looked at Lin Shuicheng in horror, shaking for a long time without saying a word.

Lin Shuicheng nodded gently to him, and then walked in the direction of Fu Luoyin.

Fu Luoyin walked very quickly. He left the main hall of the hotel through the side door and walked outside. Their hotel is located near the sea. In order to facilitate guests to rest and play, the room accommodation area is very close to the beach.

The sand is all flown in. It is fine, soft and very clean. When you walk out, you will see a row of greenhouses separated by glass walls, like a beautiful garden.

Fu Luoyin paused at this place and reached out for a box of menthol cigarettes, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find a lighter until a hand stretched out in front of him and handed him a lighter.

Fu Luoyin stared at this hand.

Lin Shuicheng's hands were slender and beautiful, a little too pale, and very soft to hold. When he pressed the ten fingers of these hands on the sofa, he occasionally felt that this person had no bones because they were incredibly soft. Every time, he was always worried. It would damage Lin Shuicheng, and at the same time, he could not control himself and ask for more from him.

On that night without turning on the lights, he watched the person in front of him lower his head and take the cigarette from his fingertips. He felt slightly dizzy because of it. It was more addictive than smoking and more illusory than being drunk. He couldn't describe what it was like. A kind of happiness, just like that time, gently hold it back, carefully suppress it, and don't even dare to think deeply, as if it is a flash of light that will drift away with a gentle blow.

These were the hands he had grasped and kissed.

Fu Luoyin did not pick up the lighter. He crushed the cigarette he had just drawn out into pieces in the palm of his hand and turned his head away from Lin Shuicheng's eyes.

His voice was calm: "Is this interesting to you, Lin Shuicheng?"

Lin Shuicheng looked at him for a while and said, "I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"Who the f*ck do you care if you did it on purpose or not!" Fu Luoyin burst out suddenly. He turned his head and his eyes were red. After saying this, he quickly realized his gaffe, so he restrained his voice and recovered. To the calm before.

He finally raised his eyes and stared at Lin Shuicheng - Lin Shuicheng's face was still indifferent.

Fu Luoyin said in a hoarse voice: "So you really never liked me. How could you tell my brother that you wanted to pursue him just two weeks after breaking up with me... What do you think of me? , Lin Shuicheng?"

He realized that his voice was about to lose its strength, but he still tried his best to restrain and hold on, and just asked stubbornly, "What do you think I am?"

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