chapter 16

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Lin Shuicheng's father is Lin Wang, a fighting instructor in their small city police district.

Lin Shuicheng didn't know much about his father's specific police duties since he was a child. He only knew that he would occasionally cooperate with the Investigation Division to hunt down criminals. He did the most dangerous things and often worked overtime. It was common for him to be unable to come back during the New Year.

Every day after Lin Wang came back, he would practice martial arts with sandbags at home. He and Lin Wang were also called to the small yard to teach them police fighting skills.

Their grandfather is responsible for cooking, making tea, and taking the grandchildren home.

This family has been like this since he could remember it - four people, grandfather, father, him, and his younger brother, and no one else appeared.

Lin Shuicheng remembers things late and has no memory of his mother.

Lin Wang told him: "Your mother works far away, and she won't be able to come back during the Chinese New Year."

At the end of every year, Lin Wang would bring them some expensive toys and snacks, saying they were bought by his mother.

However, Lin Shuicheng knew that he and Lin Deng's mother actually left here and would never come back.

After the age of five, he can clearly understand what the neighbors are talking about.

Those people always spoke without hesitation: "I have to introduce a good partner to Old Lin, who can at least help run the family. I saw holes in Old Lin's shoes that day, but no one reminded him."

"Shui Cheng and so on are Shui Lingling's good babies. What kind of mother can be so cruel as to not want them."

"She is beautiful. After giving birth to the eldest son, she was out of shape. Then she gave birth to the second son. The second son was in poor health and fell ill when he was a child. Seeing that Lao Lin had no money and his heart became wild, she went to fool around with other men. It turns out she is from the best dance troupe in the city. What man wouldn’t want to marry her? That’s really..."

"There is no way, Lao Lin doesn't want to remarry. He named the younger one Lin, etc., but he is still waiting for his wife to come back."

After Lin Shuicheng heard it once, he remembered it in his heart.

Lin and others were indeed in poor health. They contracted primary immunodeficiency disease after birth, spent money every day, and had repeated infections. Fortunately, at that time, the Alliance Xiao Group launched a charity event for this disease and cured Lin and others free of charge. Only then did Lin and others save their lives.

Both brothers are good-looking. Lin Shuicheng has shown very strong learning ability and creativity since he was a child. Lin Deng is quite disciplined and rely on hard work to catch up with him. Grandpa's education is relaxed and relaxed for them. Lin hopes that his work will go smoothly and he will be promoted.

In fact, this family can live without a woman.

There was no mother in this family, and Lin Shuicheng never felt that he was missing anything.

The accident happened one winter.

At that time, their grandfather, Lin Wang's father, passed away.

It was near the end of the year, and Lin Wang often traveled on business, and his home suddenly became much deserted.

Lin Shuicheng and Lin deng made a tacit agreement not to mention this matter. They are too young and have not learned to resist sadness well. The only thing they can do is not think about it.

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