chapter 6

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The new girl in the group is Ou Qian, the girl who bumped into Lin Shuicheng at the door.

For graduate students at Star University, except for the graduate students who come one after another to register before the semester starts, students of other grades have relatively free class time. When there are major projects, it is common to not go home during the New Year. If there are no projects, the tutor will usually grant leave by default, allowing these children to play as long as they want.

Ou Qian is beautiful, looks frail and polite, and has the appearance of a "good student" that everyone would like. As soon as he came over, he politely called him senior brother and sister, and went to Wang Pinyuan to report and register. He quickly won a lot of favor in the laboratory.

"Teacher, the semester hasn't started yet, and there are so many people in the laboratory. I'm not the latest student to come to the first year of this year, right?" Ou Qian smiled and rubbed her fingertips nervously.

Wang Pinyuan wrote a record on the student list and said, "That's not true. You came early, and not many people in the same batch as you came. Day study or residential study?"

Ou Qian said: "Day study."

Wang Pinyuan checked the column, and a student ran over from the other side, sweating profusely and said: "Teacher! Take a look at the data. If it doesn't work, just use a big machine. The algorithm you mentioned can't be tested no matter how we test it." wrong."

He casually handed the form to Ou Qian and smiled kindly: "I'm going to go to the computing laboratory. For the rest of the registration, you can go to Senior Sister Xu Mengmeng and ask her to take you. Get familiar with the environment in the past few days."

"Okay, thank you, teacher." Ou Qian said.

As soon as Wang Pinyuan left, people around him immediately caught wind of the situation and came forward to ask questions.

Several boys were too attentive, but Xu Mengmeng waved them away: "Go, go! Write your report! Junior sister is mine, don't even think about it. Come, junior sister, I will show you around."

Ou Qian smiled shyly. She stepped forward and hooked Xu Mengmeng's arm, and asked in a low voice: "Is the class here usually like this?"

"More or less, I'm quite relaxed, but when it comes to business, I'm more serious than anyone else. Lao Wangtou is very good to us." Xu Mengmeng took her into the storage room and lowered her head to look for the key to the experimental bench.

Ou Qian was waiting nearby, pretending to be casual and asked: "Senior sister, is there another person named Lin Shuicheng here?"

"Hey, junior sister, do you know him?" Xu Mengmeng mentioned Lin Shuicheng, and immediately became energetic, "What a good-looking junior brother, but it's a pity that he seems to have a boyfriend."

Ou Qian said: "I don't think I know him, I just know him. I'm just curious, how did he come here? He used to be from the Jiangnan branch, and it's not easy to come from the branch."

This is something everyone understands. There is a fifty-point difference in admission scores between the main campus and the branches of Xingda University. Students from the main campus look down on those who come from the branch, because that at least means that the students from the branch are not that good in the college entrance examination.

"I heard that's the case. He seems to have good grades." Xu Mengmeng finally turned out the key and gave it to her.

After Ou Qian took it, she shook her head slightly, as if she was about to speak but hesitated, "Actually, that..."

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