chapter 11

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The next day, Zhou Heng sent clothes, both from Lin Shuicheng and Fu Luoyin.

The one given to Lin Shuicheng was the usual custom-made name tag - the owner probably wouldn't recognize it. The one given to Fu Luoyin was the epaulette he forgot at home.

Lin Shuicheng got up in the morning to take a shower and change clothes.

Fu Luoyin sat on the bedside and looked at him. Suddenly he became interested. He walked over and hugged Lin Shuicheng from behind, wrapping his arms around Lin Shuicheng's waist: "Don't wear this one, change it to mine."

He casually picked up the shirt Zhou Heng had given him in the morning and asked Lin Shuicheng to change into it.

For some reason, Fu Luoyin found that he liked to see Lin Shuicheng wearing his own clothes. Yesterday he went out wearing his coat, and he was held in his hand so cutely and obediently that he was extremely attractive.

Such a beautiful person belonged to him. No matter where Lin Shuicheng was, whether in the laboratory or at home, he could not escape his mark or his breath.

"Are you still working overtime tonight, huh?" Fu Luoyin asked him.

Lin Shuicheng was a little panicked when he thought about this - he was really avoiding him a few days ago, but today he has to write a proposal report and do modeling to prove feasibility, so he really needs to work overtime.

Seeing that he was about to cry again, Fu Luoyin said in a cold voice: "That means you have to work overtime. I will go to the laboratory to find you."

Lin Shuicheng said: "No..."

"Don't work overtime? Then come here early and wait for me." Fu Luoyin kissed his cheek affectionately. Seeing how overwhelmed he was by the bully, he felt very good and squeezed his hand, "I won't bother you anymore." , if you obey, I won’t do anything to you.”

Lin Shuicheng went to work.

His proposal report required the use of large machines, and he had to wear anti-static clothing after many layers of approval. When changing clothes, Lin Shuicheng felt something hard inside his coat. He took it out and saw that it was Fu Luoyin's wallet.

This wallet is different from the one they used to pay for it. It's very old. It should have been brought here from the beginning. Lin Shuicheng looked at it and found some invoices and debit cards inside, as well as an old photo.

Nowadays, few people would go out of their way to take photos. The first thing Lin Shuicheng noticed was the date that the lower right corner of the photo was cropped. At a glance, he knew it must have been cropped from a graduation photo. There was a very good-looking boy in the center of the photo. He didn't recognize him as he wasn't Fu Luoyin.

Lin Shuicheng didn't have the habit of spying on other people's privacy. After confirming that there was nothing urgently needed in Fu Luoyin's wallet, he put it down and planned to go to the hotel to return it to him in the evening.

He stayed in the quantum computer laboratory for nearly a whole day. When he got the data out in the afternoon, he realized that his private information had been exposed.

[(7:40 am) Group Seven Leader: File: Data compression package, Junior Brother Xiaolin, please ask for your help today! We are really busy here! 】

[This file has been sent offline due to not being received for a long time]

[(8:37 am) Group Seven Leader: Where are the people? 】

[(4:37 PM Group Seven Leader: It’s over, our group’s data can’t be finished)]

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