chapter 113 extra (1)

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On the day of the mid-term unified examination for the first graders of the High School Affiliated to Xingda University, it started to rain heavily. It was just the beginning of summer. Although everyone had already put on short-sleeved shirts, they still resisted. It's always cool.

The first floor of Fuzhong is a ring building, and the four floors are connected by corridor bridges. There is an entire empty space in the middle, which is usually used for some signboard exhibitions.

Their monthly exams are based on a moving class system, and the entire grade is based on the previous monthly exams. Ranking, from Class 1 to Class 28, sorted by examination room, with confusing seats.
Everyone cleared their books into the corridor outside. Now half of the morning has just passed, I took the Chinese language test, and there is still a day and a half left. In addition to the exam, I am reviewing and preparing.

Class 1 and Class 3 were very quiet.
Everyone in the class was reading and revising seriously. There was a math test in the afternoon, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn.
Fu Luoyin sat on the podium and glanced at the slanting rain curtain outside: "A few people from the class committee came out to clean the boxes. Everyone's book boxes are going to be wet by the rain. Move them in a little."

Except for those who are reviewing seriously. , there will be more or less absent-minded ones here.

Although Fu Luoyin was silent on the podium, people who wanted to slip out and show off immediately appeared in the class committee, and they were all very enthusiastic. Seeing that a riot was about to start, Fu Luoyin quickly called his name: "There shouldn't be too many people. Just Su Yu and I will come out. The deputy squad leader will be in charge of discipline when I go out. Don't make trouble."

There was a sigh in the class. After a short burst of sighing, it became quiet again, leaving only the sound of turning pages.

Su Yu scratched her head, put down the chocolate bar hidden behind the book, and walked out with Fu Luoyin.
During class time, the corridor is very quiet, draughty and a bit cold on a rainy day. The teacher's collective office was on the first floor. Su Yu was moving boxes while looking down, and suddenly said: "Look, what is Old Taro doing down there?"

Old Taro is the nickname of their class teacher, whose surname is Yu, a serious and old-fashioned middle-aged man. , because of his baldness, he had a shaved head and looked round and prickly like a taro.
In the heavy rain, a car parked in the rest area outside the teaching building. Old Taro and a couple stood together and talked. The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was soft and beautiful. Just looking at their backs, they looked like a couple with very good conversational temperament.

The woman put her hand on the shoulder of a boy - the boy was not wearing the white shirt of their uniform school uniform, but an ordinary casual T-shirt. He was already taller than his mother, as tall and refreshing, with fair skin. It's just that he is still as thin as a boy of his age.

But the boy had his back to them and couldn't see his face clearly.
The arrival of a strange student is an unusual event in itself.

"Transfer student!" Su Yu exclaimed, and then tried to stand on tiptoe to get a closer look, "Minus Two, do you think that is a transfer student?"

Fu Luoyin dragged the boxes of the class members one by one into the corridor and said casually Said: "What are you thinking? Our school does not admit transfer students. The top 1% of students in the league are all trying to get in."

Su Yu thought for a while: "That seems right. We go straight from the junior high school to the middle school." After being promoted, I haven't seen any students who transferred in... But that boy doesn't look like a student from this school. What else can be done in this situation other than transferring in?"

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