chapter 110 extra

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Lin Shuicheng spent the whole day in his workshop.

Fu Luoyin cleaned up the room, bathed the two cats and brushed their teeth. In the process, the chief scratched a few bloody marks on the back of his hand. He grabbed the two cats and locked them in the drying room. He watched the leader meowing desperately and looked at him through the small glass in the drying room.

The chief has always hated bathing. Every time he watched Lin Shuicheng wash the cat, he would laugh next to him, which seemed to make the cow cat hate him even more, causing the relationship with him to be very precarious.

Xiao Hui is different. Xiao Hui is like a dog, wagging his tail when he sees people, and he is very cooperative in bathing. The leader screamed heartbreakingly here, and the cat continued to come over and lick the leader's fur.

Fu Luoyin knocked on the small glass: "Do you want to come out?"

The chief's green eyes stared at him.
"They'll be out in a while. Don't be so angry. Can I give you some tuna strips?" Fu Luoyin opened a pack of cat strips and waved them in front of the chief's eyes. The chief became even more angry, meowing and meowing.

Fu Luoyin was bullying Mao here, and after a while Lin Shuicheng came out of the workshop behind him.

Lin Shuicheng locked the door, came out, poured a glass of water, and stood there watching. He couldn't help laughing: "It's okay for you. You know how to tease the chief all day long. You don't know that this cat has a bad temper. Be careful of it scratching you."

Fu Luoyin rolled up his sleeves and showed him, without blinking. Blinking at Lin Shuicheng, his calm and powerful tone seemed a bit aggrieved: "I've been scratched by it, look at the good things your son has done."

Three blood marks lay on the skin, Lin Shuicheng raised his eyebrows: " Are you bathing it without gloves?"

Their family already has a complete process for washing cats. Lin Shuicheng has even prepared a full set of care equipment, and anti-scratch gloves are also a must.

"I couldn't find the gloves. You spent a long time tinkering with them yesterday. I don't know where you put them... and I couldn't find the lemon shampoo, only the strawberry flavor." Fu Luoyin stared into his eyes. explain. "I have cleaned the room and washed the cat. Why are you so mean?"

Lin Shuicheng sighed: "Okay, okay, my fault. Stay here and don't move and don't touch the water."
He tiptoed in the locker I took an iodine swab and an OK bandage, then came back and applied medicine to Fu Luoyin.

The chief didn't scratch her deeply and had been vaccinated early in the morning. Fu Luoyin originally didn't take this minor injury seriously. He watched Lin Shuicheng lower his head, gently touching the wound with his white and slender fingertips, and his black eyelashes drooped, so gentle and seductive, it was almost deadly.
"What are you laughing at?" Lin Shuicheng looked like he had eyes on his head and asked while bandaging him.

Fu Luoyin whispered: "Laugh at my little kitten for being so good and gentle."

"Just wait for me to come over." Lin Shuicheng raised his eyes and glanced at him gently.

Fu Luoyin tilted his head and smiled: "I'm just waiting for you to come over, huh?"

He leaned closer and pressed his forehead against Lin Shuicheng's: "I'll stay in your laboratory all day long... and you won't let us in, just I can wait for you to come out."
The two people were close to each other, their breathing was slightly warm, their eyes were touching, and they kissed each other with a tilt of their heads.

Lin Shuicheng held Fu Luoyin's wrist with one hand, and Fu Luoyin held the back of his head and kissed him quietly.

The kiss lasted for a long time. It was a simple kiss, with lips and teeth intertwined. It was just intimacy and affection, without any emotion or desire.

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