chapter 62

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"Aunt Yan usually likes to drink scented tea, but Su Yu didn't say which kind." Dong Shuoye said.

Xia Ran lowered his head and searched for information on the Internet: "What about you? What are you going to give?"

Dong Shuoye: "A piece of hand-dyed fabric. I think Aunt Yan usually likes to wear hand-cut clothes with a slightly more traditional style. I think she will like it if I give her the original fabric."

Xia Ran thought about it again: "As for tea, we don't know exactly what kind of tea Aunt Yanzi likes to drink. There is definitely no shortage of what she likes to drink. Giving a new one may not be what she wants. I'd better choose one for Auntie. Let’s get a tea set.”

He looked at the store information he searched for: "There is a porcelain auction house in Star City. Some parts are sold directly to the outside world from time to time. You can go and have a look."

At five o'clock in the morning, Lin Shuicheng opened his eyes and breathed out gently in the darkness.

One of the two cats slept at the head of the bed, and the other at the end of the bed. The leader slept well, but "Fu Luoyin" woke up because of the sound of his sleep. He stood up from his corrugated paper nest, with a pair of cat eyes twinkling slightly in the darkness.

The eyes of this little gray cat are yellow-green, more yellow. It doesn’t have the faint green feeling when the chief stares at people. Its eyes are like a pair of small lights, which can make people feel inexplicably safe and protective. It just Looking at him with slight curiosity.

His routine has been completely chaotic recently, and the main reason is still his deteriorating sleep condition. At first, he just had many dreams, had difficulty falling asleep, and was easily awakened. Later, he became more and more immersed in the content of dreams. The sense of clarity that illuminated reality when he woke up from a dream suddenly disappeared - or in other words, his feelings about the dream became more and more real, as if if he did it again, he would be immersed in the dream forever and unable to wake up.

He didn't remember the content of the dream, but it probably wasn't very good because he woke up with a start every time.

Lin Shuicheng rubbed his hair that was damp with cold sweat, got out of bed and took a hot shower.

It took half an hour to get out of bed, and nearly an hour to go from hot to cold in the shower.

He has been so lazy recently that even executing such small tasks has not been smooth, and he often puts it off again and again. Now he can lie alone in a daze for several hours without even looking around.

His cell phone dinged.

Lin Shuicheng hadn't touched his phone for a long time, but when the messages on his phone lit up this time, he was stunned for a moment, then unlocked it and looked at the complete message.

That was a message from the hospital: Notify the patient's family that the visiting channel in the ICU ward has been modified and upgraded, and the opening hours for visiting have been adjusted to any time throughout the day. The visiting time remains unchanged at half an hour a day.

Compared with the first few years, Lin deng's situation has stabilized. Lin and others could have been transferred out of the intensive care unit, but because Lin Shuicheng chose the brain stimulation treatment course from the third hospital for Lin and others, the equipment and series of monitoring needed to be carried out in the ICU, so they still lived here.

Lin Shuicheng then remembered that he hadn't visited Lin Deng for a while.

Thinking of this, he regained his energy a little, changed clothes and planned to go out.

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