chapter 104

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Lin Shuicheng turned the diary to the last page and saw an old photo carefully pressed into the cover.

The photo showed a newborn baby, an ugly bunch packed in an incubator. In the lower right corner of the photo were scrawled with a black ballpoint pen: "Autumn 2311, Lin Shuicheng."

This string of handwriting and the
diary The handwriting on the photo was consistent. Turning the photo over again, there was another number scrawled in another font: Sample No. 704.

Keep scrolling, and there are more scrawled and crooked clips. He also found the name of the owner of the diary.

Her name is Wang Huaiyue.

These three words had been written into his file, but he didn't even know about it and had no memory of it. The evaluation given by the Alliance Public Security Bureau can be summarized in just a few words: the whereabouts of drug-related personnel are unknown.

And what he had heard in the neighborhood since he was a child was that she abandoned her two children and left with others.

He remembers it late and has no memory of it.

Now that all of this suddenly unfolded before his eyes, Lin Shuicheng couldn't even react for a moment. This is such a distant and unfamiliar word.
——She is his mother.

Lin Shuicheng lowered his eyes, his fingertips trembling.
He read the scrawled fragments word for word - painfully twisted handwriting as thin as gnats interspersed among the large tracts of poetry.

[Why is this medicine ineffective? They said I can recover immediately. But why is this medicine ineffective? Will it be like this after surgery? ]
[I dreamed of you again tonight. You were wearing a police uniform, standing in the yard, asking me why I didn't come back, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. God knows how much I want to come back to you, wait for me. I'll be fine soon, just wait for me. ]
[I have wanted to kill those people more than once, but there is no way; I am gradually losing my mind, I almost don’t recognize myself anymore, why did this happen to me, why did it happen to us, did I do something wrong? ? 】

Countless, fragmented murmurs and vents, he seemed to be able to feel the collapse and loss of the woman who wrote these words with nervous strokes at the same time.

The diary is divided into two parts, with a large blank space in the middle. The date initially stayed on the year Lin Shuicheng was born. Two years later, the handwriting reappeared and the record began.

Only this time, in the record, there is no madness and chaos, but only infinite despair and silence, but sanity is still there.

【I'm back here. The sequelae of the operation have begun, and I seem to have made a big mistake again. I should not have brought Waiting into this world, and given him all the diseases - what on earth should I do, so that God will let me go? ]
[These two years were stolen, Shuicheng, wait, my children, you must grow up safely and happily. ]
[Husband: It would be better if you never met me. I ruined everything for you. ]

Lin Shuicheng read these contents over and over many times.

After a while, he closed the notebook and opened the desk drawers one by one to look at them. Two drawers were empty and filled with a large amount of waste paper; only the bottom layer contained a folder.
Lin Shuicheng opened the folder, and what he saw was a woman's information. On the right side was a color photo - not the ID photo that was usually used in files, but a daily life photo.

In the photo, the beautiful woman is sitting sideways on a park bench, looking at a place with a smile in her eyes. There was a red tear mole at the end of her eye, and she looked exactly like him.

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