chapter 69

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Fu Luoyin thought that the loud "thud" he heard was because Lin Shuicheng hit his head. Now that his head was damaged, all his anger disappeared in an instant and he could no longer be fierce.

He quickly went to touch Lin Shuicheng's head, but found that Lin Shuicheng was fine, with only a slight crack on his cell phone.

He tightly held Lin Shuicheng in his arms, gently rubbed and patted the back of his neck near the roots of his hair, trying to calm Lin Shuicheng down.

Lin Shuicheng leaned in his arms and slowly stopped shaking. It was as if all his strength had been drained out of him, like a pile of fire in the wind, leaving only a few faint, struggling embers.

Fu Luoyin asked softly: "What's wrong, Lin Shuicheng?"

He reached out and touched the corners of Lin Shuicheng's reddish eyes: "Do you feel uncomfortable after drinking? Or is there something else?"

Lin Shuicheng's skin felt a little cold, and his pair of peach blossom eyes that were always glowing with water were now tired and lifeless, which made Fu Luoyin's heart sting.

Half a day later, he heard Lin Shuicheng whisper: "I want to go home."

The voice was hoarse, but he still spoke.

Fu Luoyin still hugged him tightly and coaxed in a low voice: "Then go home and I will accompany you home? Huh? You don't want me to accompany you home? It's almost the Chinese New Year. What should I do if you go back? ?”

Lin Shuicheng didn't respond at all, but Fu Luoyin was talking to himself here, whispering in his ear with his deep voice.

He thought that Lin Shuicheng was probably homesick. The Department of Quantum Analysis was closed and the Chinese New Year was about to come. His younger brother was alone in the hospital. Lin Shuicheng was suddenly free and had nothing to do. He might be more vulnerable than usual.

He was diverting Lin Shuicheng's attention and calming his emotions.

He is not very good at comforting others. For so many years since he was a child, he has never comforted others and does not need others' comfort. He just does these things based on instinct. For example, when he was a child, he liked cats. He would pick them up and touch them regardless of their wishes. As he grew up, he gradually accepted the fact that his cats were afraid of dogs and saw cats. , if he can, he will touch it. If not, he will watch it from a distance. When he sees the poor little stray cat, he will go and take care of it, but he will no longer get too close to it.

Nowadays, except for Su Yu and his childhood sweethearts, few people know that he also likes cats.

As he slowly began to understand, there were some things that he could never obtain.

But among these things, Lin Shuicheng cannot be included.

Lin Shuicheng's voice was also low: "You can't buy air tickets and train tickets in Dongtong City, the roads are closed..."

"I know, but there is always another way, right?" Fu Luoyin said softly, "I'm asking someone to check. Even if it's a storm, it will be fine after the storm passes. Do you want me to accompany you home? ?”

Lin Shuicheng said nothing.

"Fu Luoyin held him, gently laughing by his ear: 'Is it inappropriate for me to talk about this, Lin Shuicheng? I've never celebrated the New Year before, really. I don't know how people usually spend it. If you don't have anyone there, let's just manage to celebrate together this year. The way we celebrate in the base is just giving the mice an extra meal, extending the inspection time. If you're willing, you can also take the cable car around the magnetic levitation ring in the base, there's also a vacuum simulation chamber, and such, but I don't think it's very interesting. Are you interested?'

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