chapter 98

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Lin Shuicheng looked at him without speaking, as if he didn't know what to say for a moment. He opened his mouth several times, but no sound came out.

Finally, he said calmly: "You shouldn't come here."

"I can come when I want. You said you wanted to break up with me. You can't control me." Fu Luoyin had already walked to the door, but then he Minato leaned down further - he was so close at once, and Lin Shuicheng subconsciously took a step back.

But he had no choice but to retreat.

His back was pressed against the cold elevator wall, and he could only feel Fu Luoyin's warm breath coming closer.

He deliberately lowered his eyes not to look at him, and there was no wave on his face. Fu Luoyin just leaned down slightly, stretched out his hand and pulled out Lin Shuicheng's identity tag from under his coat.

Lin Shuicheng was wearing a white coat. If he didn't get close to him, he could only see the blue line hanging on his identity card, and the rest was blocked.

Fu Luoyin stretched out his hand and pulled out his ID tag, looked at it carefully, and muttered in a low voice: "A special set of Lin Shuicheng, office 902A."

Before Lin Shuicheng could react, he took off the ID tag and put it in the He put it in his pocket and touched his body. After searching for a long time, he found the ID tag. He reached out and stuffed it into Lin Shuicheng's pocket: "I'll take yours. Good student, if you want the ID tag, just come to me and ask for it."

He is like a male beast who is encircling his territory. He must leave something here so that he can feel at ease.

Lin Shuicheng didn't move. Only when Fu Luoyin put his hand into his pocket, Lin Shuicheng struggled subconsciously. Fu Luoyin ignored it and forced the work badge into it.

Then, Fu Luoyin straightened up, looked at him, smiled, and said softly: "Okay. Don't be angry."

Lin Shuicheng was still holding the photo in his pocket, when he saw Fu Luoyin walking out and turned to face him. He waved his hand.

The elevator door closes and continues upward.

When he arrived at the workroom on the ninth floor, Lin Shuicheng took out the work badge stuffed in his pocket and looked at it.

Printed on it: A special group of Fu Luoyin, office 711A.

The security guard who had been monitoring the elevator screen came over and pretended he hadn't seen anything. He still asked him in a business-like manner: "Hello, do you need a new ID card?"

Lin Shuicheng pursed his lips. : "Forget it, no need."

He cut out a piece of paper, wrote his message on it, and then stuffed the piece of paper into the card holder along with the photo in his pocket to block Fu Luoyin's message. The identity information is on the outside, Fu Luoyin's photo is on the inside, and Fu Luoyin's personal information is sandwiched like a sandwich cookie.
He put on his ID badge and stuffed it inside his white coat.

Every day after that, Lin Shuicheng would always meet Fu Luoyin in the elevator.

Sometimes the two of them were alone, and more often than not, there were other people in the elevator. Fu Luoyin is very well-behaved when others are around, but he will always make some small moves intentionally or unintentionally, such as stuffing a handful of weird candies into his pocket, such as turning his head to look at him, so many people are crowding and pushing him. He just looked at him, with a little smile on his lips.

He was like a stubbornly waiting child, childishly but firmly waiting for some response from him. He didn't say what he wanted, but just waited, as if both parties knew it well.

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