chapter 70

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Xia Ran and Fu Luoyin met very early, but their relationship only started in junior high school.

That was when Fu Luoyin was in the second grade of junior high school. That year, Fu Luoyin had just ended his days of traveling between Jiangnan Branch and Xingcheng for school, and settled down to study in the middle school affiliated to Xingda University, where he studied in middle school and high school.

In the days when young people are in love, all the children in the compound have more or less vague feelings for Xia Ran, but no boy really dares to express his love to him - Xia Ran was very carefree with everyone at that time. He played very well, which also led to the fact that no one was embarrassed to express this throbbing.

Therefore, Fu Luoyin came out halfway. He used to run in both directions, and the children in the compound had heard of him, but they were just not that familiar with him. For a long period of time, Fu Luoyin had attracted the hatred of many people, but he didn't know it.

In high school, the classes were randomly divided. Su Yu and Fu Luoyin were in the same class, and Xia Ran and Dong Shuoye were in the same class.

Fu Luoyin is a typical low-key person, and he doesn't like other people's relationship that looks like Siamese twins. Most of the time, Fu Luoyin still goes with Su Yu and Dong Shuoye, and they meet on weekends. Only spend time with Xia Ran. It is common for children of that age to fall in love, break up and get back together, but they are very stable. Although they often quarrel, they make up after the quarrel and no one mentions the word separation.

"The infatuations and fondness of youth, when viewed with the perspective of adulthood, seem so naive. Even promises appear fragile without any substantial foundation."

Fu Luoyin doesn't talk about love, doesn't write love letters, and doesn't know how to coax people. However, at least half of the people in the grade had a crush on him at that time. Fu Luoyin was almost a perfect crush at that time - his grades were not lower than the top three in grade, but he was not the kind of person who studied hard. He was calm and silent. Extraordinarily responsible at critical moments. The story about him beating up the physical education teacher on behalf of the molested girl gradually spread, and Fu Luoyin himself never paid attention to it.

He seems to be like this by nature, but Xia Ran is the opposite. He will please everyone, he is like a sweetheart baby, he is very good at coaxing people, and he is also very good at coquettishness and behaving well.

One year Chinese Valentine's Day happened to fall on the weekend, so half of the people stayed in school.

That night, the classroom lights were turned off. Xia Ran ran to Fu Luoyin's classroom, lay down under Fu Luoyin's school uniform jacket, raised his head and watched a love movie with the others in the classroom.

The protagonist of the movie ushered in the perfect ending of diamonds and flowers. Xia Ran smiled and used a can as a ring, held his hand and asked him: "Will we get married in the future?"

Fu Luoyin didn't speak, but held his hand tightly with her fingers and stared at him seriously.

The look in his eyes was the same as when he saw him for the first time. In a deserted school in the middle of summer, Fu Luoyin was clean and tidy, sitting in front of the desk like a little adult, with calmness and maturity written between his brows. It makes people feel at ease and also makes their heartbeat slightly erratic.

"Last time, when Mr. Xiao Lin gave a presentation at Star University, we didn't get a chance to meet. Let me offer you a drink as a small gesture, is that okay?" Fu Xue held up her glass and engaged in conversation with Lin Shuicheng, who didn't refuse and raised his glass to take a sip.

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