chapter 83

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Fu Luoyin replied to him the next morning: "Why did my brother suddenly have a partner again? The information my dad gave me is still incomplete, right? My dad also told me that my brother and I , the difference is that he doesn't fall in love prematurely——"

Dong Shuoye: "We can't make a conclusion yet, but you can check it out. It's a possible direction."
Fu Luoyin asked: "What's the reason?"
Dong Shuoye: "Intuition."
Fu Luoyin: "..."

He has been with Dong Shuoye for so many years, so of course he knows how terrible his intuition is.
Fu Luoyin pondered for a while: "I think it's unlikely, but if you go by your intuition, OK. I'll go home and take a look at my brother's belongings first. As for the large-scale investigation, don't act rashly at the moment."

Social relations investigation is very important. It's a waste of manpower and material resources, especially if it involves a major case. This is the reason why Fu Luoyin and others wanted to transfer the original files from the Ninth Division and the Police Department. Fu Luoyin went over the Ninth Division and the Police Department and forcibly reopened Chu Shihan's case in the name of the Seventh Division. In fact, it was somewhat Extraordinarily, this matter has already made many people criticize it. If the investigation were conducted from the beginning again, I am afraid that some people will seize this point to make an issue - especially recently, when the storm is at the forefront.

Fu Luoyin took some time to return home, collecting Chu Shihan's belongings once again.

Chu Shihan's room was still the same, with most of the things placed in their original positions. The table was spotless, the bedding was neat and clean, and even the used drafting papers were arranged and stacked on the table, just like he never left.

They had read all the written materials left by Chu Shihan and found nothing unusual.
Fu Luoyin picked up the stack of draft paper and looked at it.
Chu Shihan's habit of drafting was the same as that of most people, writing in a mess. After the pencil is written, there are occasional traces of erasure and deletion. After the pencil is finished, another layer of writing is written with a ball pen. It is densely packed with formulas and calculation methods.

Fu Luoyin looked at these draft papers for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and called Dong Shuoye: "Dong Hei, have you done any trace analysis on the things my brother left behind?"
Dong Shuoye said, "Not yet. What do you mean?"
"Draft, when people draft, they will leave more or less traces of their lives, especially when they are resting and distracted. There were no abnormalities in the handwriting analysis of my brother's draft, but we did not do imprint analysis. , there are some places where he has erased or deleted, and these erased traces may be examined." Fu Luoyin asked, "How long will it take to analyze the handwriting marks of all the drafts and notes in the five standard boxes?" Dong Shuoye said: "It often doesn't take half a month to a month and a half. I'll have someone come and pick it up later. This is completely feasible."

Fu Luoyin agreed. Before hanging up the phone, he suddenly remembered something and told Dong Shuoye: "By the way, Lin Shuicheng plans to take the exam for your police department this winter. Do you have any suitable positions recently?"

Dong Shuoye's suspension investigation is coming to an end, and nothing unusual has been found. It's almost time for him to resume his job. It's time to go to work.
Dong Shuoye thought for a while: "Not so recently. The personnel department is in charge of recruiting people.

Generally, 99% of police stations only recruit people who have graduated from the police academy. I'm afraid it will be a little difficult for my sister-in-law to get in. If my sister-in-law wants to come and work, My suggestion is actually to take the exam of the Second Intelligence Bureau, which recruits more students from the public, and involves intelligence analysis, data investigation, etc. My sister-in-law's quantum analysis major is also more suitable. Also, the police department is actually very serious about internal and external issues. Yes, if she wasn’t from a police academy, I’m afraid my sister-in-law would be a little aggrieved. Su Yu and I took the exam here. Su Yu scored 680 in the first test and I scored 689. He and I were the only two people who passed the exam through direct entrance examination in the three years before and after. And this is in the context of matching majors. I graduated from the police academy, and Xiaoyu himself majored in forensic medicine."
Fu Luoyin said, "Forget it, he likes it, let him take the exam."

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