chapter 9

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"Fu Er, what are you doing? Didn't you say you were waiting for me to talk about the reopening of your brother's case? I just came to see you after a meeting. There is no one in your room. Didn't you say you were at the Star Alliance Hotel?"

In the empty laboratory building, Fu Luoyin's cell phone vibrated and received a voice message from Dong Shuoye.

Although friends like Su Yu and Dong Shuoye usually like to hang out in clubs and relax, they are usually down-to-earth people who do business. Dong Shuoye is the deputy chief of general affairs of the Alliance Public Security Bureau, and Su Yu has been promoted higher, but recently he couldn't stand the pressure and resigned, intending to start a small business with the New Year's money saved over the years.

Fu Luoyin glanced at the lights in the quantum analysis laboratory from a distance, walked back a few steps, opened the message and looked at it, then dialed the phone and said, "I'm taking a walk outside after the meeting and I'll be back soon."

"Where are you enjoying yourself?" Dong Shuoye said, "If you don't come back, I'll eat all the grilled lobster and spicy skewers for you. I just used my beauty to seduce their hotel chef and brought them to you, okay? It's easy to agree to let me pack. I'll wait for you in 313, I'm too lazy to go to your seven floors, it's too far."

"You eat, I'll wait for someone to go home to eat later." Fu Luoyin said.

He looked back at the lights in the laboratory, hesitated for a moment, and then walked out of the laboratory building.

Back at the hotel, Dong Shuoye raised his voice sourly and said, "I'm waiting for someone to go home and eat. When Fu Er refused to eat junk food with us, I knew there must be something fishy."

Fu Luoyin glanced at him.

Dong Shuo asked him half-smilingly at night: "Have you probably gone to see your star-sized little lover? I heard Zhou Heng say the other day that you just go back there without going home recently, and you only want to eat the food cooked by your little lover every day. Food. I was just wondering why you went out for a walk in the middle of the night."

Fu Luoyin said: "The stomach problem has recurred recently, so I will nourish my stomach with him."

Dong Shuoye clicked his tongue: "So good? I said... Fu Er."

His expression suddenly became solemn and he told him in a low voice: "Fu Er, it's been ten years. I heard that Xia Ran might come back."

Fu Luoyin reached for the water and paused slightly.

"Have you heard of Ou Qian, the girl he has a good relationship with? She went on exchange as an undergraduate at Star University before. I heard that this time she transferred back from the Eastern Hemisphere Branch and is studying at Star University. Xia Ran may also follow her back to Star City." Dong Shuoye said.

Fu Luoyin took a sip of warm water and said without any fluctuation in his tone: "He is still playing with those people?"

"Fu Er, don't...don't be so harsh and mean when you mention Xia Ran. I said that Xia Ran dumped you before, ah,right? Don't look at me like that, you just Do you think you are absolutely right and it's him who is sorry for you?"

Dong Shuo looked at him at night, thinking about his words, "There's really no need for you to be so arrogant. You didn't always quarrel before, but now you can always sit down and talk properly, right?"

"I don't like any of the people around him. They would argue because of this back then, and even more so now." Fu Luoyin put the cup back on the table, "There's nothing to talk about in the past. Let's get down to business. My brother passed away. The case has been reopened, and I hope you will be responsible for the investigation."

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