chapter 114 extra

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Lin Shuicheng was a very lonely person. After getting married, Fu Luoyin found that his social circle only had this small number: his former colleagues from the 7th Office, fellow teachers at the university, and a few friends like Su Yu and Dong Shuoye.

  Since he resigned from the original school and concentrated on teaching at Xingda University, he has spent more time taking care of Mao and Fu Luoyin, focusing on studying recipes and stock trading. Currently, he is invincible in stock trading.

  On Saturday morning, Lin Shuicheng stayed in bed until nine o'clock and found that Fu Luoyin was already up and cooking in the kitchen. The leader was squatting on Fu Luoyin's shoulder, looking at the pot eagerly, as if he wanted to jump into the pot.

  Such a big fat cat, Lin Shuicheng stretched out his hand to lift it down and held it in his arms. He put his head on Fu Luoyin's shoulder: "What to eat?"

  His voice still sounded sleepy.

  Fu Luoyin turned around and rubbed his cheek: "I thought you were still going to sleep, so I was going to boil some oatmeal and eggs - Teacher Xiao Lin, look at this, I haven't boiled it yet. Do you want..."

  Lin Shuicheng knew Fu Luoyin as soon as he heard this. Yin was frantically hinting at something, and asked calmly: "What to eat?"

  Fu Luoyin thought for a while, pinched his fingertips, "I saw a new person from our seven offices this week, it's me. The person I mentioned to you last time is still a classmate of mine in high school. I see him cooking his own food every day and bringing it over to heat up. They are all quite beautiful. I ate an egg roll last time. The layers were quite soft and tender and delicious. Sprinkle seaweed and meat floss on top. He gave me a box last time and I didn't have the nerve to eat it all."

  "Just eat this?" Lin Shuicheng opened his phone and searched, found a photo of "Omelet Roll" and showed it to Fu Luoyin, He was immediately recognized, "Yes, that's it."

  Luoyin said reservedly: "Just order another instant noodles. Things like beef noodles are too complicated. It's hard for you to put them in. On weekends, let's have a simple breakfast, and let's go out to eat at noon and evening."

  Lin Shuicheng glanced at him again, half-smiling: "Instant noodles or beef noodles?"

  "Beef noodles, beef noodles." Fu Luoyin saw his little His thoughts were seen through, and he also laughed. He stretched out his hand to pinch Lin Shuicheng's face, and then came over for a kiss. "Teacher Xiao Lin is so kind." Their beef noodle recipe is very complicated. Lin Shuicheng figured it out by himself before. After boiling, stir-frying and then deep-frying, it is soft and juicy, and the noodles are freshly blanched. It is very delicious, but because it is too troublesome and Lin Shuicheng thinks they are in the way, he cannot make it a few times a year.

  "Fu Luoyin, don't just lie down on the sofa - play games and wait for me. You go and iron the clothes first and shovel the cat poop, and then help me collect a courier."

  Fu Luoyin responded and went to shovel the poop, but the clothes were ironed. It became crooked when he was ironing it - the chief passed by his feet and rubbed his ear against him frantically, so he picked it up and leaned back on the sofa: "Here you go, son, here you go" Scratch."

  The leader's claws were extended and he kept tapping on his knees. While scratching, Fu Luoyin asked Lin Shuicheng: "Has the leader been dewormed recently? Why is he always itchy? Let me give it to him. Scratching?"

  "It's okay, it's just like this. Su Yu just helped take it out for a physical examination last week." Lin Shuicheng looked at the noodles at the bottom of the soup pot quietly, waiting for it to boil, then picked it up and put it into a bowl.

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