chapter 38

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Fu Luoyin is not only busy with Fu's military industry B4 plan recently, but also with the new issues at the recent alliance conference.

The academic world needs to be rectified. Hemuya is very ambitious this time. The last famous painting appraisal case at Xingda University should be just a trigger. Within half a month, even the documents were released, and the terms and conditions for purging the documents were the most stringent in history.

The Seventh Office is closely related to this rectification. More than 80% of the alliance's cutting-edge technologies are integrated with the Seventh Office. They have more than half of the right to speak, but this is an implicit right to speak - the Seventh Office does not belong to any organization, except for academics. Outside the circle, people outside don't even know how important the seventh place is. They only vaguely think that it is a place where a group of scientists in white coats gather.

Xiao Jue and Fu Luoyin have been working overtime these days to draft the proposal. When the document came out, they went crazy: The document that came out this time covered many aspects, including eliminating the problem of academic funding, regulating project regulations, cracking down on plagiarism, Data falsification, journal page fees... and many other problems are comprehensive but threatening, and many of them are unreasonable.

Fu Luoyin glanced at one of the entries and read out: "Journal management: It is prohibited to fill in the data with water. The overlap rate of the core content of articles with the same author is greater than 80% and is prohibited to be published separately. Once similar behavior is discovered in the past, the paper will be revoked, and the degree or professional title will be revoked. Strictly investigate the behavior of signing papers to which one has not contributed, and strictly investigate the editor’s inaction in reporting academic misconduct..."

The projects that Fu Luoyin recently invested in were all young people. Recently, a junior student named Chen Yin got to know him through the project and approached Zhou Heng to apply for a job as an intern academic assistant to help Fu Luoyin handle some things that Zhou Heng couldn't handle. things, such as those with stronger professional performance.

He was helping Fu Luoyin sort out the archived documents, but after hearing him read it, he let out a "poof" sound.

Fu Luoyin raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Chen Yin hurriedly straightened his appearance and remained as silent as a cicada.

Although Fu Luoyin is young, people who have been in contact with him also know that he does not follow the behavior of those older people. He is not bureaucratic and usually makes jokes, but in serious situations, no one will have no brains to joke of.

"Don't be nervous, let's talk about it." Fu Luoyin frowned, "I also think there is a problem with this. The starting point is good, but there may be loopholes in some places. You are a student, please talk about it from your perspective."

"Mr. Fu, let me tell the truth. Academic circles are not big or small, and they are divided into three, six, and nine levels, and the most important factors are factions and disciplines. I majored in finance, with a theoretical orientation. Doctoral students in our department need to graduate. At least two journal articles of intermediate level or above must be published, but where are there so many new topics for us? Most of them are old wine in new bottles, and it’s not just us. My mentor has been teaching for 20 years. The current regulations of the alliance If you do not publish a paper in a core journal within twelve months, you will be downgraded or disqualified from the professional title. Our tutors are okay. I know a tutor of a classmate who does unpopular biological classification. He does not write papers, but just teaches students. Classification and archiving are also doing practical things, but the money for medical treatment must be saved. Anyway, I think... it may be a problem to kill them with one stroke." Chen Yincheng said fearfully.

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