chapter 19

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Lin Shuicheng got up very early the next day, made chicken soup dumplings for Fu Luoyin, fried dough sticks, cooked porridge, cut shredded vegetables and poured them with sauce.

The two of them are getting used to each other's routines. When Fu Luoyin doesn't have emergency meetings or other tasks, he usually leaves for work at 8:30 in the morning and goes to No. 7. Lin Shuicheng also had about the same time, but he needed a little more sleep, and Fu Luoyin usually woke up at six o'clock. After Fu Luoyin wakes up, he goes out for a morning run, takes a shower when he comes back, and asks Lin Shuicheng to get up at about half past seven.

After Lin Shuicheng got up and cooked, Fu Luoyin prepared for today's work, or watched the morning news, or tried to cultivate a relationship with the chief - but with little success.

The time at night is not certain. Fu Luoyin often needs to work overtime, and so does Lin Shuicheng.

If both of them get off work at the normal time, Fu Luoyin will usually ask Zhou Heng to drive to pick up Lin Shuicheng. When the two of them eat out together or get greedy, he will continue to let Lin Shuicheng cook. After returning, in addition to some essential sports, Lin Shuicheng would go to his workshop to continue studying and researching, while Fu Luoyin would play online games with Dong Shuoye and Su Yu.

After they finished breakfast that day, Fu Luoyin saw Lin Shuicheng's sleepy look, and he felt a little softer. Lin Shuicheng had just experienced the shock of the robbery. He came home in the middle of the night, and was tortured by him again the next day. He was probably not in good spirits. It's also normal.

He said: "You can sleep in the car for a while."

Lin Shuicheng fell asleep holding his schoolbag, tilting his head and leaning on the passenger seat.

Fu Luoyin particularly liked how obedient he was. Although he just suggested that he take a nap, Lin Shuicheng did as he asked without saying a word, and seemed particularly well-behaved and easy to handle - especially as Fu Luoyin gradually realized that this man after all being a kitten that only bites people.

He was so obedient and convinced to him. Just thinking about it made Fu Luoyin feel faintly excited.

He was not a lusty person, but Lin Shuicheng was too strange. Fu Luoyin had never seen anyone like Lin Shuicheng before. Everything about him seems to have grown to his liking, from his appearance to his personality to his good voice that would sob and call her husband when being bullied, from being obedient in front of him to being calm and indifferent when outside. ...all of this is addictive.

When passing a red light, Fu Luoyin stopped and turned his head to look at Lin Shuicheng. Lin Shuicheng looks good when sleeping, with long and black eyelashes.

Fu Luoyin leaned over and kissed him.

The moment their lips touched each other, Lin Shuicheng's eyelashes trembled. He muttered uncomfortably, as if blaming him for disturbing him, so Fu Luoyin had no choice but to surrender: "Okay, okay, you can sleep on your own."

The little thing has quite a temper.

Fu Luoyin slowed down the car and drove as smoothly as possible. When he arrived at the Xingda University campus, he looked at the time and knew that he had arrived early. There were still twenty minutes before Lin Shuicheng's usual arrival time, so he stopped and waited. He planned to wake Lin Shuicheng up later.

While waiting, students passing by looked curiously at the military space vehicle from time to time. Fu Luoyin thought about it and pulled down the visor.

The sleeping Lin Shuicheng was not something anyone could see casually.

When he turned on his phone and planned to see what work tasks he had today, he was startled when he touched a message.

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