chapter 27

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Lin Shuicheng had a dream that day.

In his dream, he saw a huge butterfly flying through the world of mirrors. After landing, it turned into a graceful figure. It was the mage he chose with double blades for legs and scimitars for wings. He had elf eyes and long flowing hair. He was indistinguishable from male to female. ; The world in the mirror is eccentric and bizarre. If you take a step, thousands of mirror images will move together.

This maze made of mirrors became the maze of plastic rulers he played with when he was a child. The figures were like tiny floating particles, colorful and pungent, floating softly in the sweet liquid.

He pushed open the mirror room and saw two houses on the ground, with two identical children sitting on both sides of the house.

He knew them, but his throat was choked - he couldn't tell. The two little Fu Luoyin lowered their heads to play with the blocks and raised their heads to look at him. That moment almost made his heart stop.

Their shadows were reflected on the four walls of the mirror, and there were countless people with such faces staring at him, their eyes gentle and tired.

Looking at him with clear eyes, the mage was trying to confront each other, attacking and retreating at the same time as programmed, born at the same time, dying at the same time. They were originally walking according to the AI ​​settings, but they suddenly stopped at a certain point in time. , all turned to look at him, his shadow reflected in the elf's eyes, and the cold blade stabbed at him - splitting him in half.

The shadows scattered on the ground happened to be that famous painting from the fifteenth century.

The people in the famous paintings are also staring at him and reading his name——

"Lin Shuicheng."

Lin Shuicheng's heart was beating violently and he woke up, gasping for air.

He was like a drowning man, opening his empty eyes laxly, and it took him a long time to remember where he was.

It was still night, and there were three days and eighteen hours left before the final time.

Fu Luoyin was sleeping next to him and was startled by his movements and woke up.

He had developed very good sleeping habits when he was in the military area. When he fell asleep, he could not shake his head. After falling asleep, he would wake up immediately at the slightest alarm. He immediately noticed that Lin Shuicheng seemed to be in something wrong, so he got up and asked him: "What's wrong? "

Lin Shuicheng rubbed his head, sweating, "It's nothing, I..."

This is the aftertaste of a nightmare, a beach swept by the tide, wet and bitter, tasting like tears.

When the wave receded, a shell was left on the beach.

Lin Shuicheng just said a word, but as if he suddenly thought of something, he grabbed Fu Luoyin's wrist: "I thought of it, I have to go to the school's quantum laboratory."

It seemed like an unconscious little movement from the afterglow of a nightmare, a subconscious search for warmth and support, so he held on to him.

He was tired, pale, and haggard, and even the sweet curves of his curved eyelashes had become messy. It looked like when he was giving his defense that day. There was dim light, papers scattered on the floor, and the heater in the defense room was buzzing. Everything was drowsy, but his whole body was shining. He turned around with a marker and wrote on the whiteboard. His appearance can disturb the sleeping stars.

Fu Luoyin looked at him for a while, then reached out and touched the tail of his red eyes with the same intensity as he stroked the kitten: "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

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