chapter 59

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Han Huang often came to see Lin Shuicheng.

He is very measured and does not come to him too often. Even if he does come, it will not be embarrassing. He usually looks after stray cats with Lin Shuicheng, or asks Lin Shuicheng if he would like to watch his debate competition, and Or ask Lin Shuicheng to help guide his thesis.

Sometimes Lin Shuicheng would refuse, and sometimes Lin Shuicheng would agree to help.

Han Huang saw that Lin Shuicheng stayed at home all the time, and besides feeding the cats every day, he watched them repeatedly, so he asked him if he wanted to join the school's animal rescue organization.

About a few decades ago, there was an abandoned zoo next to the University of Xingda. It could not continue to operate due to insufficient funds. There were still a number of sick animals in it that no one was taking care of. University students from the University of Xingda spontaneously held a performance to raise funds to help these animals care for them until they die. Subsequently, they also started adopting some stray animals. Today, the Xing City Alliance University Animal Protection Association has become a well-known advocacy organization throughout the alliance. Students unify stray cats and dogs, operate cat and dog cafes, and various animal-related products and advertisements. All income and expenses are transparently disclosed, ensuring self-sufficiency, and any remaining funds are used for animal and environmental protection.

Han Huang said: "I originally came here to learn management and coordination skills. Xing City Alliance University Animal Protection has grown from a student club to a registered rights guild and foundation. My dad designated me to go here to learn. Brother, you I have done so much, do you want to join the association and join everyone? There is not much to do, and you can get to know many people... Well, Senior Sister Xu Mengmeng is also in there!"

Lin Shuicheng said: "Thank you, but I don't really want to go out recently, so there's no need."

Han Huang looked at his text message reply, paused what he wanted to say, and turned to look for Xu Mengmeng's contact information.

"Ah? Ask Junior Brother Xiaolin. I haven't contacted him for a long time. Did something happen to him?"

"No, senior sister, I just wanted to ask. I thought you were very good friends, and you would know something about his current situation."

Han Huang once met Lin Shuicheng and Xu Mengmeng in a restaurant and thought they were very good friends.

Xu Mengmeng replied: "No, Junior Brother Xiao Lin and I just had a dinner date, but we don't usually have a particularly good relationship with each other. Recently, the department has been closed and I haven't been able to contact him. I don't know how he is doing lately. I'm afraid he's too busy, too embarrassed to disturb him."

Han Huang frowned and said, "Lin Shuicheng doesn't have many friends here?"

Xu Mengmeng thought for a moment and said, "Well... I don't think so. He used to be from the Jiangnan branch, and I haven't seen any classmates visiting him....but he has a boyfriend! He is very handsome. He must have been in the military, and he came to pick him up a few times, and I was very impressed."

"I understand, thank you, senior sister."

Han Huang put down his phone and frowned deeply.

The student union officer next to him came over and asked: "What's wrong, president, is your relationship not going well? I heard them say that they met Lin Shen and moved here a few days ago, and you went to his house to sit for a while?"

Han Huang rubbed his head: "That's not the case."

Han Huang rubbed his head and said, "It's not about that."

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