chapter 17

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Fu Luoyin is having a meeting on the other side of the world.

After leaving home in the morning, he flew straight to the old Pacific branch to attend the meeting, and he was so busy that he never touched the ground. He didn't even eat lunch. He was tired of the buffet at the branch hotel, and couldn't help but recall the food cooked by Lin Shuicheng.

Lin Shuicheng got up late today and was in a hurry to go to the laboratory. Instant noodles were cooked for him in the morning. Logically speaking, instant noodles should all have the same taste. He doesn't know why, but Lin Shuicheng's ones are so delicious.

Perhaps because of the comparison in his mind, his stomach began to hurt involuntarily.

The meeting continued in the evening. Fu Luoyin swallowed two stomach pills and continued to work.

There was nothing unusual on his face, at most he looked a little paler, but he still acted vigorously and resolutely.

Now that Fu Kai has half-retired, the affairs of Fu's Technology and the Seventh Division, as well as his father's previous personnel handovers, are almost entirely on his shoulders. People who come to him to arrange affairs and report work have become a sea of ​​people outside. Go in again according to Zhou Heng's instructions.

This young man is the backbone of the new generation of new business forces in the alliance. Faced with such a huge workload, even Zhou Heng, an assistant, sometimes feels that he can't keep up. He applied to Fu Luoyin to recruit another assistant to take charge of the matter together. .

Every time Zhou Heng saw him, he would secretly sigh in his heart that he was so stupid. He was running all over the world to do things, taking care of his career and family, and he still had time to flirt with his little lover. He can appease the old people in the seven places, and he can stabilize the business routes of the Fu family's military industry. As expected, everyone who has been to the Eighth District as a soldier is a devil.

"Mr. Fu, it's something over at the Seventh Office. It's urgent. I'm sorry to jump in."

At 2:30 in the morning here, a man came running outside. Looking at the epaulettes on his uniform, he was from the 7th Office.

Zhou Heng let him in.

Fu Luoyin raised his head and motioned to the person who was reporting in front of him to pause, looked at him inquiringly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The visitor said: "That's it. Check to see if you have lost your A-level permission card. We detected that someone logged in to your permission card from another place."

Fu Luoyin was startled for a moment, then shook his head: "Permission card? No, I always use a special wallet to store such important things."

The other party handed over a photo and carefully thought about the wording: "Yes, I found it in a student's coat. Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

This photo is of Lin Shuicheng's student photo. He is delicate and good-looking, and his whole person is energetic and bright.

Fu Luoyin saw it was Lin Shuicheng and asked curiously: "Why is it on him?"

Next to him, Zhou Heng suddenly felt his scalp go numb - he suddenly remembered something and came over to tell him tremblingly: "Fu, Mr. Fu, it seems to be me. I put the wallet where you usually carry your cards and sent it to the dry cleaning department." Among the clothes you brought back, I thought that according to your habit, you would wear that coat to go to seven places on Monday, but I didn’t expect that you would come here on a mission..."

After hearing this, Fu Luoyin said directly: "Get out."

Zhou Heng rarely saw him speak so harshly, and felt that the world was dark - he was about to cry, who could have imagined this!

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