chapter 45

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Fu Luoyin didn't know when Lin Shuicheng woke up. He kept his back straight and let him lean against him, and he didn't feel too tired.

The hospital corridor lights were dim, like the dusk shining in.

When Lin Shuicheng opened his eyes, he felt that the back of his head still hurt and everything in front of him was blurry. I only saw people around me lowering their mobile phones. The brightness of the mobile phones was very dazzling.

He was wearing a coat, which smelled faintly of mint.

Fu Luoyin was lowering his head to fight the landlord and didn't notice that he was awake.

A new round of cards was being dealt. Fu Luoyin clicked "Grab the Landlord" seriously, and several new messages suddenly popped up in the window.

They are all from Dong Shuoye.

Fu Luoyin clicked on the program hosting to play cards, cut out the interface and looked at it, and found that Dong Shuoye sent some pictures. Some of the pictures in the crowd were taken at the terminal, and some were taken at the dinner table. At the party where he was absent, Xia Ran sat in the middle and looked at the camera and smiled, as if he was smiling at him through the screen.

Fu Luoyin started to feel a little stomachache again.

He clicked on the picture to enlarge it and took a look.

After so many years, it is impossible to say that he has not heard anything about Xia Ran, but he has always subconsciously avoided mentioning it. He knew that he went to college in the old North American branch, that he joined a band to help people make posters, and that he went out to play in his spare time and drew sketches when he was busy. He was still the innocent and willful young man he was ten years ago.

Xia Ran has grown more maturely than when he was in high school, and his temperament and appearance are also more mature. Compared with the youthful and lively life before, Xia Ran now has a more mature look, and his whole person's temperament has also sunk a little.

It was as if the person opposite had grown up just by looking at him.

Fu Luoyin's breathing was a little heavy. After looking at the picture for a while, he clicked to delete the chat history.

One after another, they seemed to disappear after being deleted.

In the past, he would collect every photo of him and treasure it, and Xia Ran would still laugh at him.

Fu Luoyin once locked everything about Xia Ran in a box, ate one Christmas candy, and put the rest in a vacuum box until it was heated in the summer; this book was written for Xia Ran based on his weaknesses. Xia Ran himself forgot to collect the selected question book, but he would put it away properly.

He was once like an ignorant beast who didn't understand the world. He accidentally found a bit of desolate sky fire in the wilderness of the earth, so he wanted to treasure every spark. Not looting, just quietly approaching.

After deleting it, he was stunned for a while. He switched back to the Landlord page and found that the system had defeated him.

Then, he noticed that Lin Shuicheng moved, and then he saw that the person next to him had opened his eyes. Lin Shuicheng was leaning against him, with thick black eyelashes hanging down, and looking at his mobile phone.

Fu Luoyin subconsciously pressed down the screen: "When did you wake up?"

His tone was slightly cold, and there was some panic that he didn't even notice - had Lin Shuicheng seen Xia Ran's photo?

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