chapter 43

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"Seven days ago?" The people below started to commotion.

"To be precise, it was seven days or more. The target of the attack is also very intriguing. His name is Luo Song. He ignored the military confidentiality agreement and submitted it to the journal without knowing the existence of the random organization. According to our investigation, the manuscript about this identification technology was submitted seven days ago."

The staff of the Ninth Division stood up: "The real original author of that manuscript should be Lin Shuicheng, one of the reviewers of the journal. The content of the report was made by him, and it happened to be reviewed by him. According to the investigation, Lin Shuicheng and Luo Song discussed this After negotiating, the two agreed to meet this afternoon. However, Lin Shuicheng was not present due to some reasons. It is speculated that while waiting, Luo Song directly ran into a member of the random organization who came to interfere with the quantum laboratory. The other party thought he was Lin Shuicheng and killed him, or the other party It was originally planned to kill him, but the specific motive is currently unknown except for the content analyzed in the report."

When Fu Luoyin heard this, he frowned and subconsciously wanted to check his cell phone - but before entering, all the participants had already handed in their communication devices.

He asked: "Where is Lin Shuicheng himself?"

The staff of the Ninth Division looked at him: "It has been confirmed. Lin Shuicheng left home at 3:30 that afternoon and arrived at the school at 4 o'clock. He just missed the time when Luo Song went to the laboratory. When he passed by, the school gate had been blocked, and our personnel When we contacted him, he was visiting his brother in the hospital. In order to prevent random crimes from committing crimes again, we have deployed additional personnel to protect him and sent him home safely."

Although Fu Kai is no longer in the Ninth Division now, he was the director of the Ninth Division for ten years before. When he was about to retire, he was transferred to the more leisurely Defense Bureau. The intricate network of contacts in the nine places is almost all Fu Kai's faction, and they are very reliable in doing things.

Fu Luoyin felt slightly relieved and continued to listen.

A person from Division 9 said: "At present, the breakthrough point in this case lies in the time when the analysis technology was leaked. On the day the report was completed, the Xingxing University Student Union hinted on the Internet that Lin Shuicheng himself broke through the fraud, but did not mention anything related to quantum computers. Any relevant content. There are only two chances for this matter to be exposed - first, on the day of the report, all people involved in the report may leak; second, after Luo Song himself sends the manuscript, the possibility of information leakage cannot be ruled out. The possibility of leaks between reviewers and editors does not rule out the possibility that he himself directly colluded with random and was silenced. We are already intensively investigating these people: participants Shen Zhui, Yu Fan, Yang Shen, Yang Zhiwei, Han Huang...etc. People, of course, including Director Xiao and Deputy Director Fu, this will take a certain amount of time."

When he said this, Fu Luoyin understood - he took a deep breath with rare anxiety: "Jin Li is one of the shareholders and reviewers of the journal. We just used him a few days ago. I am One of the insiders will also cooperate with the investigation."

This is really an unfavorable situation for Fu's Military Technology. The b4 plan had just been restarted, and the chief and deputy teams had just found one person. After signing the contract, they ran into this incident.

Jin Li has not been active in Star City before, so he is the most suspected. The entire investigation period may be extended again and again.

The content of the entire meeting was basically a summary of the matter and formulation of a plan.

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