chapter 89

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Fu Luoyin looked calm. The moment Dong Shuoye announced the result, he raised his eyes and looked at him.
This is a bet that can be made jointly without prior agreement or communication.

When Dong Shuoye met Fu Luoyin and became one of his friends in high school, they both knew that this would never be a completely pure friendship.

An unfavored child in a big family with internal strife and struggle, and the vows of another unfavored child who is destined to take over the overall situation. There are a lot of interests and relationships mixed between them. Subordinate relationships between superiors and subordinates, but they don't care. Ten years in advance, Dong Shuoye, with his child's eyes and as a taciturn child walking around the house, had already seen the future direction of the alliance - the inevitable conflict between the development of today's ruling leadership and the space agency.

This was a big gamble. He was betting on Fu Luoyin's side, and he was also betting on his own future, the only hope of turning around.

As for Fu Luoyin, he himself is by no means a good person. The cruel last-place elimination training in the Eighth District, airborne landing at the Seventh Department, and taking over the company. Every minute and every second for so many years has paved the way for his own strength. Not Dong Shuoye, but also others, the foundation of Fu's military technology will only become deeper in his hands for so many years. Everyone thought that he still had to rely entirely on Fu Kai's power. Only he knew that he had become fully fledged.

When Dong Zhaoxi heard Dong Shuoye say the three words "Chu Shihan", incredible shock filled his eyes!

At the same time, not only the Ninth Division, but also many reviewers from the Second Division, Seventh Division, and the Defense Bureau had pressed the buttons around them to speak, and the discussion started again.

"Chu Shihan? Who is it?"

"That's the eldest son of the Fu family!"

"Why is the eldest son of the Fu family named Chu? Then it is confirmed that General Fu's wife is Chu Jingshu, right?" "

Hey, who knows ? , they don’t tell anyone. Who knows that the eldest son of the Fu family is actually named Chu? Those who don’t know think that the eldest son is not favored and only has the name of Deputy Director Fu outside."

"Please answer, the former leader of B4 and your Relationship."

Fu Luoyin said: "He is my brother."

"Where is he?"

Fu Luoyin: "He has passed away."

There was an uproar in the hall!

The judge knocked on the table again: "Quiet!"

Fu Luoyin said: "Chu Shihan died in an accident two years ago. It is recorded in the files of the police station and the Nine Divisions." At
this moment, Fu Luoyin suddenly remembered Fu Kai's actions -
he was not allowed to have access to the real Chu Shihan information twice, and he even strongly disagreed with him at first to re-investigate Chu Shihan's case.

Now it seems that it is true that there is a hidden secret in Chu Shihan's case, but as long as they haven't found it out yet, it is an accident!
The word "accident" can shut everyone's mouth and exempt the living from responsibility.

Could it be that Fu Kai had been blocking him from continuing to investigate the cause of Chu Shihan's death because he expected this moment - when the space agency and the 9th Office, all the layers of power, would completely turn against each other?

Fu Luoyin glanced at Fu Kai, but Fu Kai's expression was still tense and he didn't give him any response.

At the same time, the rapporteur spoke: "Fu's military industry sent the repaired core data. They insist that their own data emergency system is effective, and Fu Luoyin has fulfilled all his responsibilities as the person in charge of the plan. After The expert team confirmed that the sample information they sent basically passed the test and no abnormalities were found."

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