chapter 92

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It is already known to everyone that the Space Agency and the National Security Bureau 9 have almost broken up.

Fu Kai was still in Hemuya's hands, and the people from the 9th National Security Bureau and the Defense Bureau, although they were Fu Kai's veteran cadres, still had to follow the rules and procedures, including the arrest of Lin Shuicheng.

But this time Fu Luoyin was waiting for Lin Shuicheng in the cemetery, and what he used was entirely the private property of Fu's military technology: helicopters and hired bodyguards were all property legally owned by the Fu family. Some of these things are even approved by the Ninth Division and the Defense Bureau. The Fu family imports 40% of the frontline military weapons to the alliance every year, and directly participates in half of the infrastructure construction of space stations in outer galaxies.

Fu Luoyin's meaning couldn't be clearer - whatever he wants to accomplish must be accomplished. If the space agency continues to intervene, he will immediately fall out!

No room is left, no mercy, anyone who wants to take advantage of the Fu family must weigh their own weight, even if they are facing the space agency.

The alliance has never been willing to turn the Fu family into enemies, because for three generations, the Fu family has been well aware of the entire alliance's operations and many secrets. Shaking the Fu family is tantamount to shaking part of the foundation of the alliance. During Fu Qingsong's generation, the Alliance also considered removing this company that was unwilling to disclose its core technology internally from the national enterprise. However, Fu's military industry's core technology was completely irreplaceable, so this consideration was never given. Realities.
The reason Fu Luoyin gave for snatching people this time is also very intriguing: Lin Shuicheng is now the executive president of Fu's Military Technology and one of the participants in the B4 project. Now something that may not be beneficial to the country has happened. Fu's Military Lin Shuicheng should be taken away for questioning as soon as possible to prevent more information from being potentially threatened.
At the same time, he also wanted to interrogate Lin Shuicheng "on behalf of the space agency".

Late at night, over the lonely small town cemetery, the helicopter was hovering, its engine roaring, and its searchlights sweeping here and there. After a long confrontation, the police and space agency helicopters chose to return.

The helicopters of Fu's Military Industry flew towards the nearest parking place. The helicopters, all painted black, disappeared into the night, forming a long row, like ghosts.


late at night.
Lin Shuicheng was dragged through the door. As soon as he got on the helicopter, he was detained and blindfolded, and then several pills of medicine were forced into his mouth.
Through the familiar, slightly sour, bitter taste of the drug, Lin Shuicheng knew that they were feeding him the antidepressant drugs he often took.

After taking the pills, the hallucinations subsided, and his emotions stabilized. In the darkness, he could only hear the deafening noise of the helicopter, drowning out all other sounds. Since he boarded, Fu Luoyin had separated from him and remained silent.

Upon landing, the bodyguards led him to the door, saying, "Go in." They didn't remove his blindfold, and surprisingly, Lin Shuicheng didn't even think to take it off himself.

He gently pressed his hand against the wall and slowly moved forward. The place was deserted. Judging by the echoing footsteps and the intricate patterns on the walls, along with embedded frames, Lin Shuicheng guessed it was a residential area.

He called out softly: "Fu Luoyin."

No one answered him; there was absolutely no one here. All that was left for him was complete darkness. He continued feeling the wall as he walked forward, but after turning a corner, he was blocked – there was something like a coffee table at the corner. He tried to navigate around it, but with one wrong step, he completely lost touch with any tangible presence. The space was vast, and things were scattered in disorder.

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