chapter 82

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After Bai Yiyi and Fu Xue had a falling out, Xia Ran also lost contact with everyone.

He stayed alone in Dong's house and stayed behind closed doors.

Dong Shuo passed downstairs at night and saw Xia Ran still watching TV. An old love movie was playing on the TV.
He put down a glass of water on the coffee table and asked him: "What's going on?"

The entire league had already spread the gossip about "Fu Family's Young Master making a bold move for a beauty," and directly rectified the Bai family's affairs. This was the most talked-about scandal in the league recently, and it led to the exposure of all the details about Lin Shuicheng himself.

Blame not the league for being nosy, but in the past decade, no one around Fu Luoyin had ever possessed a name. When people dug into it, they always ended up pointing fingers at Xia Ran. Initially, they said Fu Luoyin had a boyfriend during high school. Later, Fu Luoyin noticed these rumors and managed to control them; no one dared to speak about it.

After that, a consensus emerged in the circle - the smart ones avoided mentioning names directly but cleverly said, "Young Master Fu only likes that type of person." Specifically, it should be outgoing, lively, with a good personality, and, most importantly, a bright and beautiful face.

However, Lin Shuicheng's appearance directly overturned this rule..

He's good-looking and confident, but his overall demeanor is cool and reserved, exuding a scholarly and unapproachable aura. He seems indifferent to worldly matters, clearly someone deeply involved in academia and not easily swayed.

Most importantly, he looks nothing like Xia Ran.

Continuing to dig deeper, Lin Shuicheng's impressive resume makes it clear to everyone that he is not someone who can be summoned and dismissed at will. Fu Luoyin seems to be serious this time, and this young man named Lin is probably about to enter a wealthy family!

Taking the water, Xia Ran smiled at Dong Shuo Ye, "I'm thinking maybe I should go back. I won't pass the postgraduate entrance examination."

"You're saying you won't pass even before you've started?" Dong Shuo Ye sat down in front of him, casually asking, "You weren't like this before."

Holding a blank notebook in one hand and checking his extensive contact list in his memory with the other, Xia Ran fell silent for a moment before saying, "What should I be like?" Before Dong Shuoye could answer, he added: "Actually, you don't think highly of the people around me, do you?" He had been growing up since he was a child.
Even though Dong Shuoye was so cute, his attitude towards him had always been unpredictable. He was his neighbor across the street and one of the brothers who protected him, but he never knew what Dong Shuoye thought.

Xia Ran said softly: "I know that Sister Fu Xue and Sister Yiyi both have shortcomings, but this time... I really didn't expect that they would fall out like this." "The essence is for profit, otherwise you think What?" Dong Shuoye asked him, "Do you understand how much wealth the Xia family represents?"
"But when our family was about to go bankrupt -" Xia Ran was interrupted by Dong Shuoye.
Dong Shuoye asked: "Play with you? Comfort you? Take you to the bar to drink, tell you that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse? Fu Luoyin doesn't understand you, so you give up on yourself."
Xia Ran was stunned.
"Don't be stupid, Ranran." Dong Shuoye called him by his nickname, his voice was very soft and calm, "I don't know you like this now. In the past, everyone in the compound knew that Fu Luoyin was Xia Ran's boyfriend, not Xia Ran's is Fu Luoyin's boyfriend - when did you start to change, when did people mention that you were Fu Luoyin's ex-boyfriend, the only son of the Xia family, how many times did Fu Luoyin find him? Do you feel happy that all the substitutes look like you? But what about yourself? When did you lose even a little bit of pride?"

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