chapter 42

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Xia Ran's flight back to Star City has been booked, as well as space tickets for the next morning.

He is not someone who likes to prolong things indefinitely. If he wants to eat a certain limited-edition summer ice cream coffee in winter, he will definitely eat it; during the holidays, if he wants to buy a customized small gift box next to the school, then he will spend half of it. He took a transfer bus one afternoon and braved the winter wind to buy it. If the family didn't have it, they had to search half a city.

Whether he is willful or persistent, the only thing he has been hesitant about and undecided for so many years can only be said in three words: Fu Luoyin.

The night before departure, he checked the things he was going to take to Star City. Mother Xia was hanging around next to him, giving advice. If it weren't for the fact that she was busy with corporate work here, she would have liked to fly back to Star City with him, taking good care of everything.

Xia's mother was worried to death: "Mom is not worried about you living alone. We don't have anyone close to us there. In the end, we should get rid of the Dong family and let you come and take care of us for a while. Wait for your parents to send you the ones who have been here recently." Once the business is settled, I'll go over and accompany you immediately, okay?"

Xia Ran said: "I can live alone, it's okay."

"How can that work!" Xia's mother frowned, "Can you take care of yourself by yourself? Looking for a servant and housekeeper won't work. It's not just acquaintances who worry about those people taking money and not working properly, it's better to be familiar with them. .”

She said a lot of words here, and Xia Ran went in and out of her ears. After making sure that everything was packed, she said "Mom, I'm sleepy and I'm going to bed first" and then entered the room and locked the door.

Xia Ran lowered his head to look at his phone. After taking a deep breath, he finally opened the contact page that he had seen countless times.

Click to send the message: "I will take the space shuttle back to Star City at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and I want to come back to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Are you free to come over and get together with everyone?"

When Fu Luoyin received the news, he was coming out of the scientific research base, and the Seventh Office sent a car to pick him back.

After he saw the news, he was stunned.

Dong Shuoye actually told him early on that this time Ou Qian returned to Star City, and Xia Ran might come back sooner or later, which was actually expected.

But when this day really came, he still had no tangible feeling.

His hand paused for a while, and before he had time to type, Dong Shuoye called from the other side: "Hey, Fu Er, are you there?"

Fu Luoyin said "hmm" and rubbed his temples tiredly: "I just came out of the base." He was sorting out information recently and planned to meet with Hemuya to propose some changes and cases for the rectification regulations in academia.

"Are you free tomorrow morning? I'll drive over to see you?" Dong Shuoye said.

Fu Luoyin: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Don't tell me you don't know. Xia Ran is back. Let's pick him up at the airport."

"I have nothing to do with him anymore, and I have no position to pick him up at the airport." Fu Luoyin interrupted him directly.

Dong Shuoye seemed to have predicted his reaction in advance and laughed: "Just going to pick up someone from the airport, even if  you're not lovers now, we were good old classmates from many years ago. It's the bond of growing up together, can't just ignore it. So, it's settled then. I'll call you tomorrow morning."

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