chapter 58

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When Fu Luoyin woke up, he found himself sleeping on the bed holding a plush slipper.

He had a splitting headache. When he got up, he accidentally pushed something on his side to the ground. Fu Luoyin picked it up and saw that it was his spare mobile phone.

The screen stayed on the page where he sent text messages. Fu Luoyin picked it up and looked at it.

Lin Shuicheng didn't reply to him all night.

That confusing sentence mixed with typos simply didn't look like something he could send out. Fu Luoyin took one look at it and almost couldn't help but smash the phone.

His stomach ached when he moved, and his movements paused slightly.

He picked up his phone and looked at it again.

Lin Shuicheng did not reply to him.

His backup phone shared a mobile phone number sequence with another phone. Only then did he remember that he blocked Lin Shuicheng yesterday. Even if Lin Shuicheng replied to him, he couldn't see it.

He clicked on the function bar, and a selection bar was automatically synchronized in it. Several bright words popped up: "Remove from the blacklist?"

Fu Luoyin looked at the words in silence for a while, exited the page, and then typed in the input field: "Wrong message."

Three words, followed by a period, sent in a conventional manner. In the past, Su Yu used to mock him for his habit of adding periods while typing online, saying he resembled an old-fashioned scholar, appearing very aloof. However, he had grown accustomed to it – it was also a part of the strict family style of the Fu family. When he messaged Fu Kai, Fu Kai would also scrutinize his wording, demanding concise and focused language, believing that's the attitude required for accomplishing significant tasks.

He never changed his pace for anyone. Even when Xia Ran saved pocket money to buy him a hairdryer, he still braved the winter wind, competing with other boys to be the first to turn on the lights in the classroom. The predawn sky was sparse with stars, and ice would form on his hair. Su Yu teased him for typing with periods, saying it made him seem cold, but he never changed.

In these twenty-five years, he has never lost his composure, except perhaps yesterday, and he attributed that to the effects of alcohol, as Fu Luoyin recalled with some haze.

He threw the black and white plush slippers under the bed.

Only after sending the three words "Sent it wrong" did he realize that his previous message directly addressed Lin Shuicheng by name.

"Lin Shuicheng, I want to drink chicken soup, but congee is fine too."

"My stomach feels uncomfortable."

A night later, "Sent it wrong."

It was practically a cover-up, and Fu Luoyin wondered what Lin Shuicheng would think after seeing it.

Fu Luoyin's fingers tightened as he held the phone.

He thought that he didn't care what Lin Shuicheng thought.

He didn't like Lin Shuicheng.

Fu Luoyin washed up and went out. Zhou Heng was already waiting in the living room.

On the table were the preserved egg, lean meat porridge and ham and eggs. Apparently Zhou Heng knew he was about to get up when he heard the movement in the room, so he ordered them in advance and delivered them.

In addition, there is a new mobile phone on the table, which is exactly the same as the one Fu Luoyin broke at the door yesterday. Fu Luoyin knew without asking that it was sent by someone else from Zhou Heng, and all the contents were synchronized directly. Recover as if the shattered phone never existed.

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