chapter 10

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The third floor was very quiet. From time to time, people wearing uniform police coats walked by. Lin Shuicheng guessed that this floor should be a rest area for the police who came for meetings.

313 In the penultimate cafe near the corridor and the flat floor, Lin Shuicheng went to the cafe to buy a light meal and a bottle of hot milk before entering, intending to take a good rest after eating.

He put the card against the door, clicked it twice, and entered.

The room was dark. Lin Shuicheng closed the door, put his things on the locker at the door, and reached out to plug in the power.

It was with this stretch of his hand that he suddenly discovered something was wrong - he also touched a file bag on the locker. Taking a step forward, he stepped on a pair of disposable fur slippers scattered at the door.

Someone is here, has he entered the wrong room?

The moment this thought crossed his mind, Lin Shuicheng's wrist that he stretched out to turn on and off the light was already being held down by someone. He was startled, and with his backhand, he hit the person who emerged from the darkness with his elbow, but missed.

The man appeared out of nowhere, blocking his attack with his other hand and dragging him in, lifting him like a little rabbit. Then Lin Shuicheng heard a familiar laugh - very low, with a tinge. With a magnetic voice: "You still know how to hit people, huh?"

"Are you hiding from me? Why are you hiding from me? Is it fun to work overtime Lin Shuicheng, huh?"

"Speak. If you don't speak, I will kill you."

Fu Luoyin's voice was gentle, but his eyes made people's scalp tingle.

Lin Shuicheng was about to cry.

He didn't expect to meet Fu Luoyin here - he had been hiding here and there for so long, and in order not to go home, he even made a room in the school to rest. Unexpectedly, he bumped into Fu Luoyin himself!

He couldn't explain anything at this time, and Fu Luoyin looked at him as if he wanted to eat him alive without any emotion.

Lin Shuicheng fell asleep several times, only to be woken up again with tears streaming down his face.

After Fu Luoyin took him to clean up, Lin Shuicheng still remembered and sent Wang Pinyuan a message asking for leave in a daze. He has a big class to attend tomorrow afternoon, and he doesn't know if he will be able to make it by then. Anyway, he will ask for leave first.

Fu Luoyin saw him lying on the bed seriously asking for leave. He felt funny and pulled him into his arms.

Seeing that Lin Shuicheng ignored him, he gently coaxed him: "Why are you crying? You are so grown up."

Lin Shuicheng still ignored him and got out of bed to pick up the rice and milk he bought. Although the simple meal came in an aluminum foil package with a heat-insulating exterior, the rice inside had already become cold after such a long time.

Fu Luoyin saw him pitifully picking up the cold beef rice, got out of bed and carried him back, patted Lin Shuicheng on the back and said, "Get dressed and go out to eat. After eating, come back and sleep."

Lin Shuicheng's voice still had a nasal sound, which was very innocent: "I don't have a change of clothes."

He was a bit of a germaphobe. Even in winter, he would change his clothes once a day. He originally planned to sleep until seven o'clock tomorrow morning and go home to shower and change clothes. Now that Fu Luoyin came over to make trouble, his clothes were stained - mainly the close-fitting ones. The shirt is stained and cannot be worn out again.

Fu Luoyin threw his shirt directly to him: "Put it on first, and ask Zhou Heng to come and deliver the clothes tomorrow morning."

The meeting lasted for four days, and Fu Luoyin usually brought two or three sets of clothes with him to prepare for impromptu missions. Fu Luoyin got out of bed and dug out a change of clothes and asked Lin Shuicheng to put them on. They were one size too big, but they wouldn't look out of place in the autumn season.

Lin Shuicheng was only half a head shorter than Fu Luoyin. When Fu Luoyin threw his coat over, he picked it up and sniffed it carefully, looked at it carefully, and seemed to be a little disgusted.

There was no other smell, just the faint mint scent of Fu Luoyin.

Fu Luoyin endured it: "I didn't wear it out. I washed and dried it at noon and brought it over." Lin Shuicheng then put on his coat.

The two of them went downstairs and had a meal at the Student Food Court of Xingda University before going far. It was already two or three in the morning, and they randomly found a Chaoshan beef hotpot. It was light and delicious, and the food warmed their stomachs on the cold autumn night.

Lin Shuicheng felt sleepy while eating. Fu Luoyin slowly drank the beef offal soup provided by the store, and saw that Lin Shuicheng could hardly open his eyes. In the hot air, he still looked a little pale and haggard.

Lin Shuicheng held his head and fell asleep for a while. Fu Luoyin was waiting at his place, casually taking out his mobile phone and flipping through the report.

It wasn't until dawn, when the boss seemed to be closing, that Lin Shuicheng woke up in a daze and opened his eyes.

Fu Luoyin said: "The wallet is in your pocket."

Lin Shuicheng then remembered that he was wearing his clothes, reached out and touched it, and found Fu Luoyin's ID card - black with seven words on it.

The boss smiled when he saw the card: "It turned out to be the officer who came to attend the meeting. The school issued a notice saying that there is no charge for attending the meeting."

Lin Shuicheng was stunned for a moment, looked at the card again, and then put it back into his wallet.

"What's wrong?" Fu Luoyin asked.

"Don't you run a company? Why did you become a soldier?" Lin Shuicheng was a little confused.

When he met Fu Luoyin, Fu Luoyin appeared as the Party A of the project team. Later, Zhou Heng called Fu Luoyin in front of him, which was a mix of boss and young master. He had always taken it for granted that Fu Luoyin should be a company owner.

"The boss made a mistake. The Seventh Branch is not a military institution, but a scientific research institution. It's quite complicated to explain. I'm just a company owner." Fu Luoyin looked at him with a smile, "But I have been working as an employee for two years. Soldier, later retired."

"Oh." Lin Shuicheng said.

Fu Luoyin found that this guy actually knew nothing about his identity and background - but Lin Shuicheng probably couldn't explain the Fu family to a nerdy good student like him. An ordinary person would probably be complacent about being associated with someone with a backing.

In a sense, Lin Shuicheng was pure and unpretentious, and it seemed that he was really the person he was trying to figure out.

Or maybe he had really neglected Lin Shuicheng so much in the past two years that Lin Shuicheng didn't even know his identity.

After returning to the room, Fu Luoyin ordered: "Don't go home for these four days. Come directly here to wait for me after get off work."

Lin Shuicheng looked at him.

Fu Luoyin said: "What's wrong? Don't want to?"

Lin Shuicheng wanted to protest: "The chief has no one to feed him."

Fu Luoyin: "Call Zhou Heng to feed him."

Lin Shuicheng: "I'm working overtime."

"If you work overtime, I will go to your laboratory to tease you, do you understand?" Fu Luoyin reached out and pinched his chin, half-smiling, "Be obedient and I'll stop tossing you."

Lin Shuicheng remained silent.

Lin Shuicheng thought that he would inevitably be tortured again after coming back, but Fu Luoyin didn't this time.

He lay down next to him and could feel Fu Luoyin's reaction, but Fu Luoyin just threw the quilt over him and whispered a warning: "Shaolang." Then he stopped moving and let him be Wrapped in deep sleep.

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