chapter 25

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After Dong Shuoye sent this message in the group, Su Yu was stunned.

It wasn't because he made that bet. When he and Dong Shuoye were growing up, their favorite thing to do was to choke each other.

Xia Ran lived across from Dong Shuoye when he was a child, and he called him brother since he was a child. Dong Shuoye also had a closer relationship with Xia Ran than he did. He doesn't care where others place their bets, there is only one issue he cares about.

He called directly: "What do you mean? What do you mean that existing technology cannot solve it? Is the case my sister-in-law took over this time so difficult?"

Dong Shuo said leisurely at night: "Why, you didn't do some research before investing, but instead you came to ask me why my opponent made the bet? Are you such an empty bet?"

Su Yu: "Damn, I just support my sister-in-law, unconditionally! Don't talk nonsense here, tell me quickly."

"After that, would you like to give Lin Shuicheng a thorough question?" Dong Shuoye's voice was still slow.

When Su Yu was exposed, she said shamelessly and calmly: "How is it possible? My sister-in-law and I haven't gotten to know each other that well. You said I was going to lose money and I couldn't ask you? What on earth is going on? You and I , Let’s talk. See you for the barbecue this afternoon.”

"I think you just want to go out for dinner, right?" Dong Shuo paused for a moment, seeming to confirm the itinerary with the secretary next to him, and then turned around and told Su Yu, "I can't come tonight, I have to go back to eat with the old man, You, If you have time now, you can come over and visit the canteen of the General Affairs Office, or I'll tell you on the phone."

Su Yu immediately said: "I'm here! You can eat whatever you want. It's better than eating boiled cabbage at home."

Dong Shuo smiled at night.

Su Yu's boiled cabbage is really boiled cabbage, the kind that looks like a bird appearing in your mouth after eating. Their family is very strict and they don't even allow snacks.

This was most obvious when they were in junior high school. At that time, Su Yu and Fu Luoyin transferred to boarding school in the junior high school of Xingda High School. The food in the junior high school was notoriously unpalatable. Fu Luoyin and Dong Sakuye and Xia Ran go to the canteen every day to buy instant noodles cooked by their aunt. Only Su Yu can eat a lot of them in the cafeteria, and then look back and wonder: "I think it's delicious?"

Su Yu immediately took a taxi and went straight to the General Affairs Office building.

As soon as he entered the door, he poured Dong Shuoye's secret collection of exquisite black tea, and then went to the tea room to order the milk powder packets.

After he made the milk tea, he sat down opposite Dong Shuoye. Shi Shiran said, "Please. What do you think Mr. Dong has to say?"

Dong Shuoye adjusted the laptop on the table and projected it onto the indoor slide screen. The moment the light hit, it was the summary report of the General Affairs Office on this famous painting appraisal case.

The first page of the ppt is a high-definition scan comparison of two paintings, which are the posthumous works of a world-famous painter. Su Yu didn't know the specific artistic value. He only knew that if there was no way to compare the results of this painting, the consequences would be very serious.

"Let's start with this. This painting is an oil painting from the fifteenth century. It has been stolen seventeen times in such a long time. After the last time it was stolen, this painting suddenly appeared anonymously at an auction and was bought by a respected collector. Collection, and planned to donate it back to the Alliance Museum on her seventy-fifth birthday. However, just before the donation, her collection was stolen for the second time. During the recovery, a total of two paintings were recovered. After investigation by the criminal gang, it is highly likely that It is a high-tech criminal group that has been wanted by the Alliance for five years. They have a fixed organization name: random.

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