chapter 80

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Fu Luoyin stayed at Lin Shuicheng's place for half a month. They divided the study into two areas, one side was where Fu Luoyin worked, and the other side was where Lin Shuicheng did research ensuring minimal interference. And since this house was previously lived in by Professor Du Qing and Wu, he probably often brought his students back to study. The study room has office partitions and a rest area, which is perfect.

People from the Seventh Office now come here from time to time to discuss things and report work with Fu Luoyin. Fu Luoyin feels at ease and starts not working. Before, he spent three days fishing and two days working online in the Seventh Office. Check-in, the time is very flexible, now the Seventh Office directly sent him a sign-in machine.

Fu Luoyin didn't use it, but adjusted the system settings and voice. Once Lin Shuicheng took the medicine, he would go back and clock in once, and listen to the electronic voice saying in a strange tone: "Taking the medicine successfully" and playing it Warm soundtrack.

Lin Shuicheng didn't express much about this thing, but Fu Luoyin never tired of it. Every time he clocked in, Lin Shuicheng stood by and looked at him.

On the seventeenth day of staying at home like this, he was summoned back by a phone call from Fu Kai.
As soon as the call came, he knew what was going on. Fu Luoyin said, "Dad, I don't have time to come back now. I'll teach you a lesson about the Bai family. They still have a way to leave Star City. I can't tolerate them here."

Fu Kai Roared: "Nonsense! No matter how much the Bai family offends you, how can you do this! Willful! Impulsive! Do you know how many people are trying to talk behind this! The Bai family is also one of the second-tier companies in the league! Their former I haven't contacted you for a few days, now it's time to find me!"

Fu Kai's voice was so angry that you could hear it from the receiver a few meters away.

Lin Shuicheng was in the living room giving ear mite medicine to the little gray cat. When he heard Fu Kai's voice, he was stunned for a moment.
This attitude and wording seemed familiar to him.

While answering the phone, Fu Luoyin walked toward the balcony. Passing by Lin Shuicheng, he casually rubbed his head and said, "If they complain about not being able to control me, they should just be honest. What's there to fear? The day they brought Lin Shuicheng out, he was nearly in a car accident with some shady characters they called in—I even suspected they were trying to stage an accident!"

Before Fu Kai could speak, Fu Luoyin interrupted, "If my mom faced something like this, you would do the same. I'm taking care of Lin Shuicheng because he's ill, and I can't just drop everything and come back. Two days ago, I had Zhou Heng send something to you and Mom. You're close to retirement age; don't stress over the younger generation's affairs. With our Fu Military Technology around, the Bai family can only go elsewhere."

Fu Kai was almost stunned by him. : "It's that Lin again... I think you are obsessed with it. Is the person named Lin a vixen? You two are rushing towards him!"

Fu Luoyin felt strange when he heard what he said: "Who else is there besides me? Could it be Su Yu? Su Yu is not serious. You are the only one who believes those gossips. Lin Shuicheng is very good, but he is ill and has not recovered yet. I am taking care of him."

Fu Kai said: "I don't care about you. I will reply in a long time. Don't you have time at home? Come back right away! The Ninth Bureau has a task to connect with the Seventh Bureau, come here right away!" "

Dad, when did the Ninth Bureau take over the Seventh Bureau -" Before Fu Luoyin could finish, Fu Kai Hang up the phone.

Fu Luoyin vaguely felt that the conversation they had just had was familiar.After thinking for a while, "The Seventh Bureau had a task to connect with the Ninth Bureau" seemed to be one of the excuses he had used."The old man really holds a grudge." Fu Luoyin muttered.

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