chapter 96

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It started to rain heavily outside the house.

Lin Shuicheng held the chief in his arms and sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. Through the heavy rain curtain, he saw the gate of the science and technology park open.

The military space vehicle drove in.

Fu Luoyin, wearing a black windbreaker, lowered his head and got out of the vehicle in the rain.

Outside the courtyard gate behind him, more military space vehicles slowly gathered, with the space agency's unique star ring logo painted on them. They should be Hemuya's people.

In one night and one morning, all aspects must have been settled.
Lin Shuicheng's things have been packed, including a computer USB flash drive and some calculation paper, packed in a portable file bag. These are all he wants to take away.
When footsteps sounded, he let go of the leader in his arms, touched its head, then went to the other side to pat the little gray cat's head, and then stood up.

Fu Luoyin carried the breath of the wind and rain outside, the corners of his coat were slightly stained, his expression was cold and solemn, and his lips were pursed tightly.

He no longer lost his composure like last night, but the red bloodshot eyes revealed his exhaustion. He made a storm bottle all night and wrote small notes all night, but in the end he didn't tell him anything.

It's like he knows he can't keep it.
Lin Shuicheng lowered his eyes: "Let's go."

His voice was still hoarse.

"Your cat is here, won't you take it away?" Fu Luoyin's voice was as hoarse as his, "The chief misses you very much when you are not here, and it will be difficult for it."

Lin Shuicheng said softly: "Some kinds of Cats' long-term memory is not that strong, and they will soon forget me as their master. There are no people or things that they can't live without."

He looked into Fu Luoyin's eyes tenderly: "I know you will be kind to them."

Fu Luoyin had a lump in her throat and turned his head to stop looking at him.

Lin Shuicheng said again: "Let's go."

He walked downstairs, and Fu Luoyin followed him downstairs.

People from Hemu Yafang couldn't get in. When Lin Shuicheng appeared at the door of the villa, the door of the vehicle at the door also opened. Fu Kai got out of the car, and someone held an umbrella for him next to him.
There were people standing inside and outside the garden.

In the blue-grey sky, Lin Shuicheng stared at the pouring rain, and suddenly felt that his mood became brighter.

A few years ago, he came to this strange city following a small note, and was finally stopped outside the cemetery gate. It was also a rainy day like this, and the blue-gray sky was gloomy; further forward , not long after his college entrance examination results were obtained, he went to several other schools to take independent admission examinations.

On the rainy night after the examination, he woke up with heart palpitations.

Perhaps he would never have such a heart-palpitating moment again, because he was already alone.
Thinking of this, Lin Shuicheng's lips actually evoked a faint smile.

Fu Luoyin stood beside him holding an umbrella. When Lin Shuicheng wanted to move forward, he suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist so hard that he couldn't break free.

Fu Luoyin said nothing. When Lin Shuicheng looked back, he only saw his knuckles that were slightly white from exertion, his tight lips and his dark and stubborn eyes, like a child who was stubborn at the end and refused to let go.

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