chapter 76

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In the days after Lin Shuicheng came back, he spent most of the time sleeping.

The feeling Fu Luoyin had when he lived with him before came back - Lin Shuicheng was basically a cat, so it was not surprising that he needed such a long sleep. When facing him, he felt more softness and pity in his heart.

When Lin Shuicheng slept, the two cats basically slept with him.

Fu Luoyin always thought about moving the sofa into Lin Shuicheng's room and adding a temporary base for himself - the guest room. The fact that he couldn't see Lin Shuicheng made him feel very anxious. But now that he and Lin Shuicheng were in a situation, he didn't dare to make mistakes. He could only come in for a walk from time to time and observe the situation of Lin Shuicheng and the cats.

When he didn't need to hold meetings and work, he would sit at the desk in Lin Shuicheng's room, reading documents quietly, and writing and signing documents silently on his tablet.

Lin Shuicheng would wake up from time to time, and he would be the first thing he saw when he woke up.

I don't know why, but every time Lin Shuicheng wakes up, Fu Luoyin can feel it.

He would look back at Lin Shuicheng. If Lin Shuicheng looked confused and sleepy, he knew that he would fall asleep again within half a minute. If Lin Shuicheng's eyes were clear, he would ask him if he wanted to eat something and if the wound still hurt.

His work and rest schedule followed Lin Shuicheng's schedule, alternating between morning and dusk. When he woke up, he would come down to take a shower and eat.

Fu Luoyin was bored and took a few short videos to find out the sleeping habits of the two cats. The chief likes to lie on the edge of Lin Shuicheng's bed. After sleeping for a while, he will get up and change the direction to continue sleeping. After a whole night, the whole cat can turn 180 degrees.

And the nameless little gray cat that he didn't like to see very much had a habit of waking up in the middle of the night to lick its fur, and then fell asleep after licking it. The cat also snored and farted, which was not like the chief at all, not an elegant cat - How could Lin Shuicheng raise such a catless cat? Fu Luoyin wanted to throw it out of the room several times, but in the end he didn't do it for the sake of Lin Shuicheng not being woken up.

He was thinking that after Lin Shuicheng's head injury healed, he would take him to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination. Lin Shuicheng's sutures do not need to be removed and can be absorbed naturally, but they still need to be reexamined. He can also take Lin Shuicheng to the psychological department for a diagnosis.

It's just that a person with Lin Shuicheng's personality may be somewhat resistant to mental treatment. He still has to figure out how to implement it.

At three o'clock in the morning, Lin Shuicheng moved. Fu Luoyin looked back at him and realized that he was trying to wake up, so he asked, "Would you like something to eat?"

Lin Shuicheng looked at the chief at the head of the bed and the little gray cat at the end of the bed, and shook his head.

He struggled to get up and out of bed, but his steps were still wobbly. Fu Luoyin quickly got up and came to catch him. He heard Lin Shuicheng say: "I want to take a shower. I can wash my hair today."

This was not a question but a statement. Fu Luoyin's heart skipped a beat.

Lin Shuicheng couldn't wash his hair for three consecutive days because of an injury on his head. Although he didn't clean his body every day, he still felt uncomfortable.

He loved to be clean, so Fu Luoyin confiscated the shampoo in the room and only gave Lin Shuicheng a fixed amount of shower gel.

To avoid wound infection, he also turned off the shower valve. Every day before Lin Shuicheng went in, he would put a waterproof gauze on his head.

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