chapter 93

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Fu Luoyin never came back.
Lin Shuicheng woke up and fell asleep. Later, his fever became serious and he was put on an intravenous drip for several days. The person who urged him to take medicine became Zhou Heng. The medicine he received was no longer in a vitamin C bottle, but in its original packaging. The cold and formatted instructions and text reminded him of medication guidelines and adverse reactions. Zhou Heng had reserved meals and drinks at a restaurant, but Lin Shuicheng didn't eat much.

Lin Shuicheng was very quiet and could hardly say a word all day long.
When he could get out of bed, he would sit in the living room and turn on the computer to look at his model. He was like the quietest and most well-behaved good student, concentrating on his research and ignoring what was going on outside the window.

It's like nothing happened.

Occasionally, the sound of a vehicle would be heard outside, and Lin Shuicheng would turn his head and look out through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The floor-to-ceiling windows here face the artificial lake and the large lawn outside, but no car drives inside. The white prevention door is closed tightly. The only living things that can be seen under the entire sky are those that appear every morning. A flock of pigeons flying to the lake.

One day, several people came to the house. They were members of the Ninth Division. The leader was still the man Lin Shuicheng had met several times.

This time, the man finally introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Lou Qing. I am the commissioner of the Nine Divisions who has been responsible for monitoring and protecting you. Can I talk to you about the situation related to Chu Shi's case? Lin
Shuicheng looked at him without saying a word, but just adjusted his sitting posture.

Lou Qing said: "We have obtained the permission of Deputy Director Fu for coming here today. Regarding this-"

In the middle of his words, Lin Shuicheng interrupted him: "Where is he?"

Because he hadn't spoken for a long time, he It was so hoarse that people couldn't tell what he was saying.
Lou Qing was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was asking Fu Luoyin. He scratched his hair and said, "Deputy Director Fu is busy. The alliance has been in a wartime state recently, and Deputy Director Fu is in the first wave." We need to go to the front line to make overall arrangements, and then..."
He did not continue.

Fu Luoyin's behavior of secretly hiding Lin Shuicheng is currently the greatest pressure he faces. Not only the space agency, but also the National Security Division 9 must warn and put pressure on Fu Luoyin according to the procedures. But Fu Luoyin did not give in at all. His only permission was to allow personnel from the National Security Division 9 to come to interrogate Lin Shuicheng and investigate the case. However, without his consent, no one could touch even half of Lin Shuicheng's hair.

Now that the quantum security wall has been broken, all aspects of data repair and war preparations require the Fu family's strength. Even Hemuya does not have the confidence to directly exclude the Fu family. Therefore, on the topic of Lin Shuicheng, the two sides are actually in a complete stalemate state. As various information about the RANDOM organization unfolded, everyone began to realize that Lin Shuicheng might be the key to a dead end, but this key is currently in the hands of the Fu family, and no one can shake it.

Except for this incident, Fu Luoyin seemed to be quite talkative at other times. He quietly transferred a large number of frontline materials from Fu's Military Technology to the alliance for free, and directly participated in wartime plan discussions and investigation and tracking at the United Front Department every day. The tasks were basically continuous. Everyone else was off work, so he slept alone in the office.

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