chapter 67

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There was no sound all around.

Lin Shuicheng raised his head and smiled at Yan Zi: "Auntie, sit down and have something to eat. Why are everyone standing?"

Yan Ziru woke up from a dream and quickly sat down.

Fu Xue had come to talk to Lu Shengwen, so she had to sit down together.

Her face turned red and white - she was having a good conversation with Lu Shengwen, and just in time to give the Su family a blow, Lin Shuicheng actually came over to interfere again!

Why is it Lin Shuicheng again!

On the other side, Dong Shuoye and Fu Luoyin also walked over. Fu Luoyin felt a lump in his throat when he saw Lin Shuicheng. He wanted to turn around and leave, but Dong Shuoye grabbed him: "Fu Er, you leave now, and you will leave in the future." Su Yu will laugh at you to death because you are afraid that he will poach you. Isn't he just Lin Shuicheng? Are you afraid that you won't be able to catch him? "

Fu Luoyin murmured: "Yes, he is just Lin Shuicheng."

They also walked over and sat down. This time, Fu Luoyin didn't sit next to Lin Shuicheng. He sat diagonally across from him, raising his eyes and staring at him.

Su Yu whispered: "Sister-in-law, do you feel that Fu Er's eyes are like laser lights, and I am going to be pierced by them..."

Lin Shuicheng sighed inaudibly.

Lu Shengwen was very enthusiastic about Lin Shuicheng, and seemed to be very surprised that he was here: "When you called us a few days ago, we were thinking that we should invite you over for an interview, no matter what, we are actually here We met here at Dr. Yan's house! Oh, if you want to say this is really fate, why, has Mr. Lin been promoted to Dr. Yan recently?"

Lin Shuicheng also laughed: "No, I haven't done many projects recently. Su Yu is my friend, and Dr. Yan and his family have helped me a lot. I came here today to wish Dr. Yan his birthday. But I didn't expect that, The world is really small. It turns out that Mr. Lu is also a friend of Dr. Yan. I didn't know it before. How is Mr. Lu doing recently? Is there any new progress in the company's organic exploration? "

Su Yu nervously ate the steak Lin Shuicheng cut for him, pricking up his ears and continuing to listen to what they were saying.

Lu Shengwen looked a little weird.

Lin Shuicheng asked casually, but it really got to his heart.

They are a pharmaceutical company, and their current development momentum is very good. They have been competing with the Su family recently, partly because they want to expand their market to Star City. They are backed by the Han family, the old branch of the Middle East. They have no shortage of funds and supply-side markets. Their wealth is incomparable to that of the Su family. As long as they want, all raw material suppliers and clinical trial bases on the market can sign exclusive contracts with them. protocol.

There is no shortage of money, but what is most lacking is talent, the top batch of talent.

As early as two centuries ago, organic synthesis relied on AI synthesis routes, the establishment of large reaction matrices, and purely violent simulation of reaction conditions. Robots and machine learning have replaced 95% of people in this industry. The automation chain has expanded on a large scale, and a closed loop of experiments has been formed from the physical level to the data level. In a word, pharmaceutical factories in the past may have been able to form core competitiveness based on formulas and reactions, but now it is impossible to achieve that - drugs It is no longer an industry-leading standard in itself, because the systems of all companies can violently screen drug ingredients; only R&D speed, clinical trial effects, and marketing results are the three lifebloods.

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