chapter 95

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"...I don't distinguish." Fu Luoyin's eyes became increasingly red, and he interrupted with a hoarse voice, "I don't distinguish. That was what happened in the morning, I don't distinguish, Lin Shuicheng . I don't believe it, I won't agree."

Lin Shuicheng looked at him, still looking at him with that gentle and peaceful look: "I don't want to continue living like this. I will contact General He and ask her to release General Fu. Come out and let me pass. She should agree to such a condition."

"Impossible." Fu Luoyin still said firmly, but there was a trace of panic in his usually cold and self-possessed eyes, "Don't talk nonsense, Lin Shuicheng. I won't ..."

Lin Shuicheng said softly: "You don't want to break up now because you have invested too much in me, time, energy, feelings, reputation... You can't let go of these things, and you will slowly let them go in the future."

Fu Luoyin still said: "I don't..." He looked at Lin Shuicheng with wide eyes, and repeated as if he was stunned: "I don't know, it's impossible."

Lin Shuicheng lowered his head, buried his face in the quilt, and spoke softly. "Go to bed early."

He turned his back and didn't look at him.
Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the air was so dull and sour that there was almost no room for reaction.

Fu Luoyin didn't leave, nor did he move. He just sat by the bed, silent.

The person under the quilt was breathing slowly, but such a gentle and sweet breath was Ling Chi who was stabbing him one after another.

Fu Luoyin's voice was completely hoarse: "You can still sleep."

Lin Shuicheng did not answer.

How could he forget?

——Lin Shuicheng has no heart at all. He is always so calm and peaceful, as if what happens in the world has nothing to do with him and he can always take charge of everything.

He pities him, gives him alms, accompanies him, and takes care of him, but he does not love him.

He doesn't get angry or sad because he doesn't care. To this day, he still regards him as a child begging for candy. He comes and goes as soon as he is called. Once he is given the candy, he turns around and forgets about it. Only he still holds the candy firmly in his hands. Palm until melted.

"Speak, Lin Shuicheng." Fu Luoyin called him stubbornly, "I'll give you...I'll give you one last chance. As long as you say you lied to me out of anger, I will make peace with you." "That
night . I hurt you and gave you a fever. I'm sorry, I was too jealous." He suppressed his emotions and tried to keep his voice from fluctuating so loudly, "I am jealous of my brother. I have been jealous since I was a child. None, he has everything, but I'm not jealous of what he has, I'm only jealous that he has you."

"You said you lied to me out of anger." Fu Luoyin's voice was so hoarse that it was close to breaking. There was a hint of hysterical despair, "Speak..."

Lin Shuicheng's calmness was like the hazy sky, gathering and spreading inch by inch along the time, almost crushing him.
It was a silent trial and an ultimatum for the relationship.

I don't know how long it took, but Fu Luoyin finally stood up and left.

The mint scent in the darkness slowly dissipated, but the atmosphere was still dull.
Lin Shuicheng moved under the quilt and took out the mobile phone on his body.
The phone lit up, and a faint white light illuminated his face.

Lin Shuicheng showed no expression. He just curled up hard and slowly sent the message with his fingertips.

He had contacted Hemuya, and he had Hemuya's contact information.

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