chapter 31

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Lin Shuicheng had never felt so sleepy before. He followed Fu Luoyin home early in the morning, and slept until nine o'clock the next morning, still feeling tired.

He was woken up by the chief. The cat finally couldn't bear the pain of missing him. Even though Fu Luoyin was here, he still had the courage to stay. The quilt was wrapped tightly, and it couldn't get in. It could only spin angrily on the bed, carefully trying to get between Lin Shuicheng and Fu Luoyin.

He was lying on his side, and Fu Luoyin sat on the bed, reaching out a hand to wrap around his back and protect him in his arms.

The quilt was so tight that no gaps could be found, and Lin Shuicheng was firmly at hand.

Fu Luoyin didn't realize that he was awake yet. He just kept this posture, tilted his head and gestured to the chief: "Can't come in, right? I can come in; I'm even sleeping with him."

Although the chief could not understand the human language, he seemed to feel the malice and provocation of the man in front of him - facing the battle for Lin Shuicheng, his tail was raised again, and there was a faint tendency to explode his fur.

Fu Luoyin coaxed it: "Come over here, let me pat your head, and I'll let you burrow under the covers"

The chief didn't understand either. He was still explaining patiently, as if he was enjoying it.

Lin Shuicheng moved and reached out to lift a corner of the quilt.

The chief immediately seized this opportunity and got in with his cold fur, clinging to his side.

Fu Luoyin then lowered his head and saw that he had opened his eyes: "Are you awake? Did I wake you up?"

He always spoke in a breathy voice, and the leader was also a silent little kitten who basically didn't meow. His quarrel with him shouldn't wake up Lin Shuicheng.

"I woke up on my own." Lin Shuicheng felt sleepy and touched the chief's hair. He had no intention of getting up. He just closed his eyes and wanted to fall asleep again.

"Are you hungry? Get up and eat something before going to sleep?" Fu Luoyin asked him.

Today is Saturday. Lin Shuicheng opened his eyes after hearing this, thought for a while and said nothing, then closed his eyes again.

He was too lazy to get up to eat, preferring to be hungry.

Fu Luoyin's hand came over again, first rubbed his face, and then touched the chief. After touching the two cats, he took back his hand with satisfaction: "Would you like to order a takeaway? Eat the eggs and milk and sleep well." "

Lin Shuicheng said "hmm".

The first floor of their house is the living area. Fresh fruits and vegetables are delivered directly to each door by the housekeeper every day. Of course, there is also a convenient cooked food area for residents who are in a hurry for work.

Fu Luoyin searched for the owner group for a long time, and finally found the house here among dozens of owner groups, and asked breakfast to be delivered to the living area downstairs.

He ordered Lin Shuicheng an egg and cheese bun, as well as milk and oatmeal chocolate. He himself ate the same thing, but replaced the milk with coffee.

The two of them ate breakfast in bed in a very decadent manner.

Lin Shuicheng picked some of the meat floss that was delivered to the chief, and then continued to lie down and sleep. In a haze, he felt Fu Luoyin open the tablet and probably start working.

When he woke up again, Fu Luoyin was gone, and the sky outside was also gray. I didn't know what time it was.

Lin Shuicheng looked at the time. He had a meal at about nine o'clock, and then slept until two o'clock in the afternoon.

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